全球中国学术院 : 简介
- 我们的子公司环球世纪出版社(英国公司注册号: 08892970) 是首家致力于独立出版英汉双语的社会科学与人文学科学术和大众书籍及期刊,并注重全球和比较视野下中国相关内容的出版社。
- 全球中国对话系列论坛是一个促进中国与世界其他地区之间交流的高端话语平台。
全球中国学术院的前身是全球中国比较研究会(成立于2013年,英国公益机构注册号:1154640)。2018年,该机构更名为全球中国学术院,并于2021年注册为英国公益有限责任机构(CIO,注册号:1198983),同时改制为院士制机构。其治理结构基于信托人委员会(信托会)责任制,设有主席 (叶玛丽 Maria H.A. Jaschok)、秘书、财务长和委员等职位。他们负责根据公益慈善法和本院章程运营组织,并承担对组织的战略监督责任,包括在发生任何风险时采取适当行动等。
- 主席: 托尼·麦肯勒里教授(英国兰卡斯特大学)
- 中方主席: 邴正教授(中国吉林大学)
- 非执行主席: 李嵬教授(英国伦敦大学学院)
- 中方非执行主席: 张晓东教授(中国敏捷智库总裁)
- 院长: 常向群教授 (英国全球中国学术院)
- 中方院长: 谢立中教授(中国北京大学)
- 副院长: 彼得·施罗德教授(院士事务,英国伦敦大学学院)
- 副院长: 曹青教授(出版事务,英国杜伦大学)
- 副院长: 園田茂人教授(亚洲事务,日本东京大学)
- 副院长: 何梦笔教授,副院长(欧洲事务,德国艾尔福特大学)
- 秘书: 吴燕博士(英国斯旺西大学)
- 中方秘书: 李伯一教授(中国南京财经大学)
- 行政团队包括法律顾问、活动主管、行政经理、项目经理和运营经理。
- 创院及前荣誉院长(2013–2021), 马丁·阿尔布劳院士。
全球中国学术院 院士
- 创始院士和终身院士是在2021年全球中国学术院创立时由全球中国学术院的创始名誉主席(英国和中国)、主席(英国和中国)和信托会授予的。
- 院士是杰出的学者、知识分子、专家和专业人士,他们的专业知识为全球中国学术院提供了最佳发展的指导和建议。他们还为环球世纪出版社和全球中国对话系列论坛做出了贡献。
- 副院士通常是早期至中期的学者、知识分子、专家和专业人士,他们在各自的领域表现出潜力,但还没有取得院士那样的显著的成就。他们经常参与相关的学术研究、为出版物做出贡献、也参与对话论坛。
- 院士单位是与我们共享学术和社会使命并支持全球中国学术院、环球世纪出版社和全球中国对话系列论坛工作的单位。
- 在社会科学和人文学科领域,通过全球或比较视野对理解或促进有关中国和与中国相关的研究作出了重大贡献者。
- 积极参与“转文化”的研究、对话与实践,并参与全球社会的治理者。
- 在上述领域显示出领导力、创新力和影响力者。
- 表现出分享全球中国学术院的价值观及其伦理道德观者。
- 21岁以上居住在英国或海外者。
- 通过研究、教学、培训、专业工作、出版或其他类似工作,展示了对从全球或比较的视角理解或促进有关中国的社会科学和人文学科研究的兴趣者。
- 尽管他们在各自的领域内在上述方面展示了潜力,但尚未取得显著的成就,尚不具备授予院士荣誉者。
- 与全球中国学术院共享学术和社会使命的机构。
- 支持全球中国学术院、环球世纪出版社和全球中国对话系列论坛工作的机构。
请访问网站www.globalchinaacademy.org/gca-fellowship 进一步了解以下信息:
- 2025 GCD X: 全球教育治理
- 2024 GCD IX: 全球治理与人工智能
- 2023 GCD VIII: 全球健康治理
- 2021 GCD VII: 全球治理改革
- 2019 GCD VI: 世界和平治理
- 2018 GCD V: 全球正义治理
- 2017 GCD IV: 一带一路——为了共同目标的转文化合作
- 2016 GCD III: 可持续性与全球气候治理
- 2015 GCD II: 转文化与新型全球治理
- 2014 GCD I: 中国现代化进程的经验教训与其它发展中国家和地区之比较
Other events
- 2020 A Symposium on China’s Development Path in the New Era from Multiple Perspectives
- 2019 全球中国媒体系列讲座 (2016–19年, 英国)
- 2018 中国及中国比较研究学术出版与知识服务大会
- 2018 数字互联和智造及全球社会变迁和文化转型
- 2017 Chinese for Social Science (CSS) Workshop
- 2017 中国社会科学全球化学术研讨会
- 2017 中外传媒比较研究国际学术会议
- 2017 转文化合作与社科研究及方法论系列论坛(2015-18,中国)
- 2016 语料库与中国社科研究工作坊
- 2014 中英文化战略合作与务实实践研讨会
- 2013 “马克斯·韦伯与中国”国际大会
- 2013 金砖国家新移民如何参与型塑全球社会?
环球世纪出版社(GCP, 曾用名为全球中国出版社,英国公司注册号: 08892970), 成立于2014年,是首家致力于独立出版英汉双语的社会科学与人文学科学术和大众书籍及期刊,并注重全球和比较视野下中国相关内容的出版社。
环球世纪出版社出版的范围广泛,如学术期刊,会议或基于主题的论文集,研究专著,丛书,社科汉语教材以及工具书(彩印为主)。出版的形式多样,如印刷版、电子版、音像,网络及其移动网络版。 作为全球中国学院的子公司,本社的双语出版物服务于全球传播相关学术研究、知识传递和公共教育的目的。
- 社长:英格丽德·克兰菲尔德
- 总编: 常向群
- 专业团队 由学术顾问、高级副主编、编辑、校对员、译者、平面设计师、排版师、图书管理员、网站工程师等组成。
- 《全球中国比较研究》(JCGCP)(年刊) 本刊创刊于2015年,发表原创的多学科和跨学科有全球视野的或关于中国的比较研究,涵盖社会科学和人文科学的广泛主题。除了纯学术内容,本刊也吸引对中国感兴趣的政策制定者和普通读者,旨在以创新的方式超越传统的学术界限,展现最优秀的学术成果。
- 《社科汉语研究》(双年刊)本刊正式创刊于2021年,研究在学术背景下使用中文的情况,强调了精确翻译和中文社会科学跨语言研究中出现的问题的重要性。最大程度地减少跨文化研究中与翻译相关的风险,并加强了不同语言、文化和社群之间的对话。本刊力图准确翻译的承诺构成了有效的跨文化沟通的基础,确保语境的清晰性,并
有助于全球社会科学知识和观点的交流。 - 《语料库与中国社科研究》(JCACSS) (年刊,中文和英文版交替出版)本刊创刊于2019年,得到兰卡斯特大学ESRC社会科学语料库方法中心的创始主任托尼·麦克内里教授指导和国内外同行的支持。本期刊向中国社会科学领域引入创新的语料库方法。在大数据和全球数字复杂性的背景下,对该领域的挑战提供了一个发表相关研究学术交流的平台。
- 《全球中国对话系列文集》(GCDP) 全球中国对话论坛旨在通过公开对话和讨论,利用转文化、跨学科和比较视野,增进对当前全球事务和共同利益的理解。《全球中国对话文集》的每一期都包括主持人和发言人的信息、主题和摘要,以及演讲和问答环节的内容。它还包括关于专题讨论、参与者、讨论和交流的照片。希望这种图文结合可以为感兴趣的读者保留动态对话,无论他们是否参加了论坛。
- 中华概念系列旨在用独特的中国元素丰富西方社会科学概念。通过重新审视如“bao”(互),“mianzi”(面子)和“guanxi”(互惠或恭敬的关系)等术语,将来自不同文化的成果融入传统的社会科学学科,增强世界的知识体系。
- 中华话语系列涵盖了围绕中国历史、文化、时事、语言和人民的话语研究。它主张一种跨学科、多视角、多方法的知识与中国文化相融合,并具有全球视野,桥接中国与世界其他地区之间的鸿沟,并为外界了解中国打开了一扇窗户。
- 读懂中国与世界 系列源起于一个题为“理解中国,与中国人沟通”的纪念费孝通诞辰100周年而举行的学术活动。旨在深入探讨中国和世界,并给予全面理解和合理解释,呼应了活动中的多维视角。
- 中国与中华比较视 系列拓展了《全球中国比较研究》期刊的范畴,在全球背景下探讨中国的思想、人民、文明、文化和语言等的比较研究。
- 中国社会科学全球化系列旨在全球范围内推广杰出的中国社会科学著述,涵盖国内外社会科学家近一个世纪的努力。
- “三只眼”转文化 系列通过作为转文化交流和相互理解领域的桥梁,作者检验他们对中国文化、非中国文化以及作为专业人士和从业者的专业和领域的理解。这种“三重视角”描述并解释了他们在中国和国外
的日常生活和工作中不同文化和观念之间的碰撞与融汇合。 - 中国城镇化研究系列探讨中国人口城镇化的延迟,强调了农民工和城市居民之间的差异,探讨中国如何致力于用可持续的、以人为本的政
策解决这些问题。 - 新锐与前沿系列通过探究各个领域的前沿研究和发展,为读者提供了一个了解和探讨全球最先进社科和人文话题的平台。
A Decade of Achievement: Associate Member of the Academy of Social Sciences Since 2014
After celebrating the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Global China Academy (formerly CCPN Global and Global China Institute, 2013–2023), we have entered phase 2.0 starting in 2024. This also marks the 10th anniversary of becoming an Associate Member of the Academy of Social Sciences in 2014. We have updated brochures available in either A4 portrait or A5 landscape sizes in both English and Chinese. They include the following information:
Global China Academy: An Introduction
About Global China academy
Global China Academy (GCA) is a UK-based independent worldwide fellowship that encourages comprehensive studies on China in the social sciences and humanities. Taking language-based global or comparative perspectives, it aims to add to the sum of human knowledge. It also encourages participation in global society building and governance. All of this is achieved through the dissemination of academic research, knowledge transfer, social consultancy and public engagement.
- Our publishing subsidiary, Global Century Press (GCP, UK Company No.: 08892970) is the first independent publisher dedicated to publishing academic and popular books and journals bilingually in the social sciences and humanities, with a focus on China from global and comparative perspectives.
- The Global China Dialogue (GCD) series is a high-end discourse platform facilitating communication between the Chinese and the rest of the world.
Board of Trustees
GCA was formerly known as CCPN Global, founded in 2013 (Charity No. 1154640), and later as the Global China Academy (GCA). As a UK Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO, Charity No. 1198983), GCA is governed by a Board of Trustees consisting of the Chair (Maria Jaschok), Secretary, Treasurer, and members, who are responsible for running the organisation in accordance with charity law and our constitution. They also provide strategic oversight of the organisation, including taking the lead in implementing appropriate actions if any risks should occur.
GCA Council
The GCA Council is composed of prominent individuals who have a keen interest in the study of China and the Chinese in a global context. The Council plays a vital role in advising and guiding the Academy’s development and beyond. It is active in a range of other ways, including the recruitment of new Fellows, contribution of articles to our journals, recommendation and submission of books for publication by Global Century Press, recommendation of themes and speakers for our Global China Dialogues, and in raising the Academy’s profile around the world.
- Council Chair Prof Tony McEnery FAcSS FRSA FGCA, Lancaster University, UK
- Chinese Council Chair: Prof BING Zheng FGCA, Jilin University,
China - Non-Executive Chair, Prof Wei Li FBA FAcSS FRSA FGCA, IOE of University College London, UK
- Chinese Non-Executive Chair, Prof ZHANG Xiaodong FGCA, CEO of Agile Think Tank and Nanjing University of Finance & Economics, China
- President: Prof Xiangqun Chang FRSA FGCA, Global China Academy, UK
- Chinese President: Prof XIE Lizhong FGCA, Peking Uinversity, China
- Vice-President (Fellowship), Prof Peter Schröder, University College London, UK
- Vice-President (Publications), Prof Qing Cao, Durham University, UK
- Vice-President (Asian engagement), Prof Shigeto Sonoda, University of Tokyo, Japan
- Vice-President (European engagement), Prof Carsten Herrmann-Pillath, Erfurt University, Germany
- Secretary (UK): Dr Yan Wu, Swansea University, UK
- Secretary (China): Prof. LI Boyi, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, China
- The administrative team consists of the Legal Advisor, Events Officer, Administrative Manager, Project Manager, and Operations Manager.
- Founding and Past Honorary President (2013–2021): Martin Albrow FAcSS.
Global China Academy Fellowship
Types of fellowship
- Founding Fellows and Life Fellows were granted by Global China Academy’s founding Honorary Presidents (UK and China), Presidents (UK and China), and the Board of Trustees at the founding of the Global China Academy in 2021.
- Full Fellows are distinguished scholars, academics and professionals whose expertise and knowledge provide GCA with access to the best possible advice and guidance. They also contribute to the publications of Global Century Press and the Global China Dialogue series of forums.
- Associate Fellows are typically early to mid-career scholars, academics and professionals who have demonstrated potential in their field but may not yet have the extensive accomplishments or tenure of a Full Fellow. They often collaborate on research projects, contribute to publications and may participate in dialogues or forums.
- Institutional Fellows are organizations that share our academic and social missions and support the work of Global China Academy, Global Century Press and the Global China Dialogue series forums.
Eligibility criteria
Full Fellowship
- Has made a significant contribution to advancing the understanding or promotion of studies on China and the Chinese with global or comparative perspectives in the social sciences and humanities.
- Has an established track record of participating in transcultural initiatives, fostering dialogue and engaging with the governance of global society.
- Has shown leadership, innovation and influence in the above-named fields.
- Has clearly demonstrated ethical and moral integrity that aligns with the values of the GCA.
Associate Fellowship
- Aged 21 or over, and based in the UK or overseas.
- Has demonstrated an interest in the understanding or promotion of studies on China and the Chinese with global or comparative perspectives in the social sciences and humanities through research, teaching, training, professional work, publications or other similar work.
- Has demonstrated potential in their field, although they may not yet have attained extensive accomplishments and hence are not ready for Full Fellowship.
Institutional Fellowship
- The institution shares Global China Academy’s academic and social missions.
- The institution supports the work of Global China Academy, Global Century Press and the Global China Dialogues.
How to Apply
Before submitting a proposal please download the following information from the webpage https://globalchinaacademy.org/fellow-ship-nominations:
More Information
Please visit www.globalchinaacademy.org/gca-fellowship for more information:
- Fellowship Lists
- Fellowship Benefits and Obligations (English and Chinese)
- Fellowship Subscriptions
- Support us
Global China Dialogue and Other events
About the Global China dialogues
The annual Global China Dialogue (GCD) forum is a core event held by Global China Academy in collaboration with various organisations. The GCD is a high-end forum that focuses on ‘transculturality’ and social creativity. Our aim is to enhance public understanding of current global affairs and common interests. We do this via public dialogue and discussion between Chinese and non-Chinese academics, political and business leaders, experts, professionals, practitioners and interested laypeople. Our approach is interdisciplinary and comparative.
Based on GCDs rules of ‘civilized dialogue’, we encourage both sides to listen to the other, understand cultural differences, respect local customs, accept different perspectives and acknowledge the common humanity. In particular, it explores new global governance, encompassing national governments, international organizations, multinational companies, NGOs and citizens, with a mission to build a harmonious, symbiosis-based human community of a shared future.
Past and future dialogues as are follows:
- 2025 GCD X: Governance for Global Education
- 2024 GCD IX: Global Governance for AI
- 2023 GCD VIII: Governance for Global Health
- 2021 GCD VII: Reforming Global Governance
- 2019 GCD VI: Governance for World Peace
- 2018 GCD V: Governance for Global Justice
- 2017 GCD IV: The Belt and Road (B&R) – Transcultural Cooperation for Shared Goals
- 2016 GCD III: Sustainability and Global Governance for Climate Change
- 2015 GCD II: Transculturality and New Global Governance
- 2014 GCD I: The Experience of China’s Modernization from a Comparative Perspective
Other events
Global China Academy organizes and participates in activities relating to China in comparative perspective and social sciences and humanities studies on China, and in activities of a different nature that chime with its academic and social missions.
- 2020 A Symposium on China’s Development Path in the New Era from Multiple Perspectives
- 2019 Global China Media Seminar series (2016–19, UK)
- 2018 Academic Publishing and Knowledge Service Conference
- 2018 Digital Interconnection and Intelligent Manufacturing: Social Change and Cultural Transformation in Global Society
- 2017 Chinese for Social Science (CSS) Workshop
- 2017 Globalization of Chinese Social Sciences Symposium
- 2017 Global China Media in Comparative Perspective Symposium
- 2017 Forum Series on Transcultural Cooperation and New Methodologies for Social Sciences
- 2016 Corpus Approaches to Chinese Social Science (CACSS) Workshop
- 2014 A symposium on China-British Cultural Exchange: Strategic Cooperation and Practical Implementation
- 2013 Max Weber and China conference
- 2013 How do Migrants from the BRICS Countries Participate in Shaping the Global Society?
Global Century Press
About Global Century Press
Founded in 2014, Global Century Press (GCP, UK Company No.: 08892970) is the first independent publisher dedicated to publishing academic and popular books and journals bilingually in the social sciences and humanities, with a focus on China from global and comparative perspectives.
GCP publishes a range of publications, from academic journals, edit ed volumes, selected conference papers and theme-based articles, to research monographs, book series, teaching and learning materials on Chinese for social sciences and reference books, printed mostly in colour. Works are published in various forms, such as print, electronic versions, video, audio, on the internet and the mobile internet. A subsidiary company of the Global China Academy, GCP’s bilingual publications serve the purposes of disseminating related academic research, knowledge transfer and public education globally.
Open access journals and books
Under its open access model, GCP makes 80 percent of its journal and book content freely available to the public, promoting academic exchange and knowledge sharing. This means that readers can freely access and download certain articles or portions of the journal’s content, without any payment or subscription required. At the same time, GCP also offers a subscription model, providing readers who need it with wider access and services. Through subscription, readers can gain access to the full content of the journal, special features or additional resources, as well as other benefits exclusive to subscribers.
House Style Guide
GCP House Style Guide can be downloaded in our website. It is designed to take our contributors’ work from initial manuscript to final publication with a minimum of fuss. Our style broadly follows APA 7th edition but has evolved over time through our growing experience of dual language editing and typesetting.
Dual languages
GCP is pioneering a unique approach to integrating English and Chinese in its publications. Its dual language styles and rules have been developed with both English and Chinese academics, graphic designers, editors and proofreaders. GCP applies this house style to all journals and books. GCP has DOI authorization. Any single article with a DOI number. Additional dual language information is displayed at the end of each book, a feature unique to GCP. Additional dual language information is displayed at the end of each book, a feature unique to GCP.
Publisher’s Professional Team
- President: Ingrid Cranfield
- Editor-in-Chief: Xiangqun Chang
- Professional Team consists of Academic Advisor, Senior Associate Editor, Editors, Proofreaders, Translators, Graphic Designers, Typesetters, Librarian, Website Engineers, etc.
Publication events
Please visit GCP website for publication-related events: https://globalcenturypress.com/events.
Global Century Press (GCP) publishes three cutting edge academic journals. They are Journal of China in Global and Comparative Perspectives (English and Chinese editions), Journal of Chinese for Social Science (Chinese edition), and Journal of Corpus Approaches to Chinese Social Science (Chinese and English editions). GCP also publishes the ‘Global China Dialogue Proceeding’ series in English and Chinese editions.
- Journal of China in Global and Comparative Perspectives (JCGCP). CGCP launched in 2015 (annually), publishes original multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary comparative research on China on a range of topics in the social and human sciences. Beyond purely academic content it appeals to policymakers and general readers interested in China. Its aim is to bring out the best in scholarship, transcending traditional academic boundaries in an innovative manner.
- Journal of Chinese for social science (JCSS). JCSS formally launched in 2021 (biennially), Formally launched in 2021, JCSS scrutinizes the utilization of the Chinese language in academic contexts, emphasizing the crucial role of precise translation and the issues arising from cross-lingual research in Chinese social sciences. It minimizes risks related to translation in cross-cultural research, and enhances dialogue among various languages, cultures, and communities. JCSS’s commitment to accurate translation forms the backbone of effective intercultural communication, ensuring contextual clarity and contributing to the global exchange of social science knowledge and ideas.
- Journal of Corpus Approaches to Chinese Social Sciences (JCAC SS) launched in 2019 (annually in Chinese and English alternatively), is guided by the founding Director of the ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Sciences at Lancaster University, Professor Tony McEnery, and supported by colleagues both domestically and abroad. It introduces innovative corpus methods to the Chinese social sciences field. It addresses challenges in this domain, offers a platform for academic exchange, and publishes pertinent research in the context of big data and the complexities of the global digital age.
- Global China dialogue Proceedings. The Global China Dialogue forums aim to enhance the understanding of current global affairs and common interests through public dialogue and discussion, using interdisciplinary and comparative perspectives. Each issue of the Global China Dialogue Proceedings includes information on the chairs and speakers, topics and abstracts, and content of speeches and Q&A sessions. It also includes photos of the panels, participants, discussions, and networking. It is hoped that this combination of images and text can preserve the dynamic dialogue for interested readers whether or not they participated in the forums.
Book sciences
GCP publishes eight book series on specific themes. They are:
- Chinese Concepts aims to infuse Western social science concepts with uniquely Chinese elements. By revisiting terms such as ‘bao’ (reciprocation), ‘mianzi’ (face), and ‘guanxi’ (reciprocity or deferential relationship), the series enhances the world’s knowledge system by incorporating diverse cultural insights into traditional social science disciplines.
- Chinese Discourse covers discourse studies around Chinese history, culture, current affairs, language and people. It advocates an interdisciplinary, multi-perspective, multi-method knowledge merged with Chinese culture and possessing a global outlook, which bridges the gap between China and the rest of the world and opens a window for the outside world to understand China.
- Understanding China and the World was inspired by a significant 2010 event, ‘Understanding China, Engaging with Chinese People’, commemorating the centenary of renowned sociologist Fei Xiaotong’s birth. The series delves into comprehensive understanding and rational interpretations of China and the world, echoing the multi-dimensional insights from the event.
- China and Chinese in Comparative Perspectives expands the aims of Journal of China in Global and Comparative Perspectives to include Chinese ways of thinking, Chinese people, civilization, and culture, and contrasts between China and elsewhere, Chinese people and non-Chinese people, Chinese perspectives of the world, and non-Chinese perspectives of China globally.
- Globalization of Chinese Social Sciences aims to globally promote prominent Chinese social scientific works and a century’s efforts by social scientists both inside and outside China.
- Transcultural Experiences with ‘Three Eyes’ acts as a bridge in the areas of cross-border cultural communication and mutual understanding. Authors examine their understanding of Chinese culture, non-Chinese cultures, and their specialties and sectors as professionals and practitioners. This ‘triple perspective’ describes and explains the collision and confluence between different cultures and notions they experience in their everyday lives and work in China and abroad.
- China Urbanization studies explores the delay in people’s urbanization in China, highlighting the disparity between migrant workers and urban residents. It underscores China’s commitment to addressing these issues with sustainable, people-oriented policies.
- Cutting Edge and Frontiers provides a platform for readers to explore and understand the forefront of research and development across various fields, offering insights into the most advanced social scientific topics globally.
Global China Academy Invites Academic Visitors from Tsinghua and Four Other Universities to the UK (August 17-23, 2024)
全球中国学术院邀请清华等四所高校学者访问英国 (2024年8月17-23日)
为此,学术院信托会和理事会高度重视清华等中国学者来英国访问的事宜,并希望通过与清华大学社会科学学院的合作,延续并深化双方的关系。学术院理事会主席托尼·麦肯勒里(Tony McEnery)教授与我基于以前的邀请函模板联名签发了邀请函,明确了所有活动安排和服务均由全球中国学术院负责,相关费用则由清华大学全球产业研究院承担。由于这次访问的时间在假期,我们学术院将确保每一项重要活动都有学术院的不同领导或院士出席。
Field Visits on British Modernization and Its Global Development Experience (July – August 2024)
On January 20, 2024, Professor Zhao Kejin, Deputy Dean of the School of Social Sciences at Tsinghua University, visited the Global China Academy Centre. He brought with him the last wish of the late Professor LI Qiang (1950-2023), former Chinese Chair of the Global China Academy Council—namely, to continue developing the relationship between the two institutions. Professor Zhao also discussed matters of cooperation. Additionally, he brought a gift from Professor FANG Lili, President of the China Chinese for Anthropology of Arts, her book Fei Xiaotong’s Inquiry: How Human Society Can Achieve ‘Beauty in Diversity and Shared Harmony’, as well as a personal gift of his own books.
为了继续加强和巩固双方的联系,我们希望通过与清华大学社会科学学院延续并深化这种合作关系。继今年1月20日赵可金教授来访时讨论的暑期访问计划后,6月初赵老师与我联系了两个访问项目:一个是为期七天(8月17日-23日)的京沪四高校人工智能发展及全球治理对英国的访问(详情点击链接)。另一个是在此之前的为期22天(7月27日至8月17日)的赵可金教授对近代英国现代化及其全球发展经验的考察。学术院信托会和理事会对清华学者来英国访问高度重视,学术院理事会主席托尼·麦肯勒里(Tony McEnery)教授与我基于以前的邀请函模板上联名签发了邀请函,明确了所有的活动安排和服务均由全球中国学术院提供,费用由清华大学全球产业研究院承担。尽管是假期,我们学术院确保每一项重要活动都有学术院不同方面的领导或院士参加。学术院的行政团队表示,与以往的商业外包服务不同,这次在主要接待环节将由我们团队的负责人亲自接待。
7月27日,伦敦(一)。学术院负责活动的官员梁凯在伦敦希思罗机场 (T2) 于17:45迎接了赵可金教授及其夫人和儿子。由于出关延误,他们于20:30才抵达The Madonna Halley Hotel的The Shisha Garden。这是一家希腊风格的花园餐厅,其环境充满了异国情调,装饰着茂密的植被和精心设计的灯光,营造出一种神秘而迷幻的氛围。学术院后勤经理刘大卫和我在此为他们设宴接风。
7月28-30日,牛津。我开车把赵老师夫妇的行李送往牛津里奥纳多皇家酒店 Leonardo Royal Hotel Oxford,再把他们的儿子送到牛津拉德利公学去上暑校,并安顿好。然后与赵老师夫妇一起参观了阿什莫林博物馆(Ashmolean Museum),这是英语世界中第一个成立的大学博物馆,也是第一个公众博物馆(Public Museum)。我们按照历史的时间顺序和地区欣赏不同的文物和文明,同时在记忆中搜索他们与同期中国的文物与文明的异同。
午餐,新任主席Prof Maria Jaschok 接待并交流
学术院安排在牛津负责接待的是住在牛津的伦敦大学学院博士候选人程语桐(上排照片右数第一张,左边第一位)。她于7月28日下午两点在阿什莫林博物馆门前与我们几位老师会面。在一起参观完博物馆后,我们一起找到了去赵老师夫妇下榻的酒店的6号线公交车站(下拍照片左一)。由于语桐告知30日去伯明翰的铁路罢工,于是我们一起到长途汽车站协助赵老师买好了去伯明翰的车票。之后,语桐陪他们一起参观了牛津的著名地标,包括圆顶图书馆和Bodleian Library。又前往Cover Market,在那里一边闲逛,一边交流。
7月30日中午,赵老师夫妇乘长途汽车到达了伯明翰,下榻在伯明翰市中心的皇冠假日酒店。我们学术院安排的英国大道咨询集团王澍斌总裁和他的两位同事,当晚为他们在英国排名第三的、伯明翰最好的中英粤菜餐厅Chung Ying Cantonese Restaurant为赵老师夫妇接风(下派照片左1)。
7月31日上午,王总陪赵老师夫妇沿着伯明翰历史最悠久的运河进行了步行探索,这里是由煤炭个钢铁贸易而发展起来的,也是著名电视剧《浴血黑帮》 peaky blander的取景地。然后他们去了智库伯明罕科学博物馆 Thinktank Birmingham Science Museum ,伯明翰科学历史博物馆,完整介绍了作为中部重要工业城市的发展史。
下午,王总陪赵老师夫妇参观了著名的红砖大学伯明翰大学,走过英国最高的单体钟楼 (101米高) ,百年历史的主建筑群以及李四光先生曾学习研究的教学楼。王总还安排了两位博士为他们介绍情况 (下排照片左2-3)。
然后,他们在王总家小憩交流,品尝了苏格兰威士忌 (下排照片右1-2)。尽管伯明翰并不位于苏格兰,但它作为英国的一个多元化和国际化城市,不仅有来自苏格兰的威士忌,还汇聚了世界各地的威士忌种类。我想,在伯明翰品尝苏格兰威士忌,不仅是一次味觉的享受,更是一种饮文化交流与学习的体验,让人从中感受到苏格兰文化在英国其他地区的广泛影响与深厚传承。
8月1日,我们安排的接应赵老师夫妇的是接应《英国社会学评论》研究博士后研究员胡正栋博士,于上午10点半在曼彻斯特皮卡迪利车站接到赵老师夫妇后,帮他们拿着行李直接就city walk,边走边介绍曼彻斯特的一些景点,直接送达曼彻斯特市中心万豪酒店 (下排照片左1)。【注释?】
根据赵老师在微信群分享的信息,在之后的两天里,他们参观了曼彻斯特科学与工业博物馆(Science and Industry Museum),作为世界上第一个工业化城市,该馆专注于展示科学、技术和工业发展历史,馆内收藏了许多与曼彻斯特工业革命有关的展品。还参观了约翰·赖兰兹图书馆(John Rylands Library),馆内收藏的许多珍贵的手稿和古籍成为一座学术宝库,其哥特式建筑风格成为曼彻斯特最著名的历史建筑之一。曼彻斯特中央图书馆(Manchester Central Library)则是新古典主义风格,其圆顶和柱廊设计深受罗马和希腊古典建筑的影响(下图左2-4)。
他们还参观了曼彻斯特的罗马堡垒遗址(Castlefield),这是曼彻斯特市内保存较好的古老罗马防御工事的遗迹。是英国的重要考古遗址之一。后方隐约可见现代的高楼建筑,构成曼彻斯特城市现代化与历史文化交织的一个典型景象。曼彻斯特大教堂(Manchester Cathedral),建于中世纪的这座哥特式建筑以其高耸的塔楼、高大的窗户、精美的彩色玻璃窗、复杂的石雕和尖顶设计闻名。教堂的内部和外部都具有极高的艺术和历史价值。
他们还去了曼彻斯特北区(Northern Quarter)的史密斯菲尔德市场(Smithfield Market),这里有独特的老建筑和复古风格的历史建筑如今已被改造成了商店、餐厅和艺术空间。有点像世界上许多城市的当代艺术区那样具有相似的再生和转型特点,如法国的蓬皮杜艺术中心,伦敦的泰特现代美术馆、北京的798艺术区等等。
人民历史博物馆(The People’s History Museum)是一个独特的文化空间,致力于保存和传承关于工人阶级历史的记忆,英国劳动人民和社会变革的历史,特别是工人阶级的斗争、民主发展和社会正义运动的历史。帝国战争博物馆(Imperial War Museum) 以其现代、独特的设计以及深刻的展览内容成为了曼彻斯特及其周边地区的重要文化场所,专注于展示20世纪以来战争对人们生活的影响。
正栋博士于3日一大早就来到酒店,把赵老师夫妇送到皮卡迪利火车站,送往了去格拉斯哥的火车 (上排照片右1 )。
以上照片从左至右:@雨巷 袁老师、格大孔院外方院长龙多、杜珍、赵可金、朱光磊、孔子学院中方院长周申(南开大学经济学教授)。
8月5日,赵老师夫妇参观了Glasgow Cathedral大教堂,在雨中参观了Riverside Museum和克莱德河,乘坐Sightseeing Tour围绕市中心转了转。Riverside Museum,
8月6日,上午,今天早上从Glasgow Central乘坐火车大约四十五分钟抵达Lanark小镇,去拜访当年欧文创办的社会主义公社,赵老师到?火车抵达拉纳克镇后,走路20多分钟抵达新拉纳克,这是坐落克莱德河山谷中的一个小村庄。距离拉纳克大约2.2公里。据说这个小村庄最早是由苏格兰商人大卫·戴尔(David Dale)在1786年建立,最初的打算是与发明了水力纺纱机的企业家理查·阿克莱特(Richard Arkwright)合作建设新拉纳克,可以利用湍急的克莱德河作为动力来修建水利纺织厂,把新拉纳克建设成为未来的苏格兰“曼彻斯特”。参观了New Lanark。
下午3点,与社会政治科学学院政治学教授、苏格兰中国研究中心主任杜珍Jane Duckett 教授在格拉斯哥大学孔子学院会谈。感谢正在格拉斯哥大学做学术交流的南开大学前副校长、全球中国学术院终身院士朱光磊教授的帮助,促成了这次会谈。杜珍对赵老师接受了她的建议,于5日下午和6日上午分别访问了Riverside Museum 和 New Lanark,并很有收获表示高兴。
《坤舆全图》是又一个转文化产品(transcultural prodect)。1)第一张引入中国的现代世界地图,结合了西方和东方的地理知识是继利玛窦(Matteo Ricci)于1602年坤舆万国全图 (Kunyu Wanguo Quantu) 。“坤”在中国古代哲学中代表地,是《易经》中八卦之一,象征着大地和母性;“舆”在古代汉语中有车的意思,但在地理学和制图学中,它指的是承载万物的大地或世界。因此,“坤舆”可以理解为“大地”或“世界”的意思。与其他西方地图的不同之处。这个名字强调了它的中国背景和中西结合的特性。2)“全图”即“完整的地图”,表示这是一张涵盖整个世界的地图。3)比利时科学家和耶稣会传教士南怀仁(Ferdinand Verbiest)受清朝皇帝康熙的邀请,成为了钦天监的天文学家,其《坤舆全图》反映了中西方在17世纪的科学和文化交流。4)利玛窦和南怀仁在中国绘制的世界地图,均结合了当时最新的西方地理知识和中国的传统地理知识。这种融合不仅为中国人提供了一个全面了解世界的机会,也促进了中西方在地理学、科技、文化、政治、外交等多方面的交流。
8月7日, 伦敦(二)。【注释?】
先是去了Edgware地铁终点站和购物中心,向工作人员了解伦敦交通付费和线路等情况;接着去了Mill Hill Broadway火车站;经过Rising Sun 餐馆(赵老师居然认出来了),又经过一个老人养老社区,我们下来考察了一番。就是上面前两张照片
然后我们就去了一家购物园,我想两位老师介绍,在Edgware购物中心里的Sainsbury’s 和购物园附近的Tesco是中等超市;Waitrose和M&S是较高档的超市;ASDA和Morrisons大概是中等偏下;有两家德国的小超市Lido和Aldi属于比较低端的,正好在这个购物园的M&S一边一个。
之后我们去了这次代表团下榻的酒店,后面几张都是酒店的照片,其中有一个张是一个婚礼的家人聚会。赵老师夫妇对这里比较满意,正好有人跟我们聊天。我们了解到他们是上这里来喝下午茶的,赵老师建议我们可以将此增加为第7条Walking and talking的路线,是个好主意。
8月8-9日, 伦敦 (三)
博罗市场Borough Market 博罗市场是伦敦最古老和最著名的食品市场之一,位于伦敦桥附近的市中心。拥有超过一千年的历史,它是美食爱好者的活力中心,提供多种多样的新鲜农产品、美食和手工艺品。市场摊位出售从有机水果和蔬菜到国际美食、奶酪、肉类和烘焙食品等各种商品。博罗市场还以其热闹的氛围闻名,是当地人和游客体验伦敦美食的热门目的地。【注释】
8月10日,牛津(三)/ 伦敦(四)。
由信托会前主席Ingrid Cornfield 出席,她曾是恩菲尔德市的副市长,现仍任环球世纪出版社社长。余总是项目经理,明天将陪同@德行天下 赵老师一家去牛津等
在这是合影有一个小仪式,@朱光磊 朱校长和@德行天下 赵老师分别向学术院赠送小礼品。
Ingrid亲手摘的苹果和黑莓并亲自做的典型的英国Blackberry and Apple pie
8月11日,温莎 /伦敦(五)。
“英国王室的韧性“问题比较有意义。以下是ChatGPT 4o的回答,仅供参考。“英国皇室的韧性,或可以理解为其在社会、政治、和文化风潮中屹立不倒的能力,是一个复杂而多层面的现象。这种韧性不仅仅体现在王室本身的存续上,还反映在其如何适应现代社会的变化,维持其作为国家象征的角色,以及应对各种危机和挑战。
### 历史背景与适应能力
– **长期的存续**: 英国王室的历史可以追溯到公元9世纪,在英国的历代变迁中,王室经历了君主权力的盛衰、宗教改革、内战、君主立宪制的确立等重大事件。每次变革中,王室都表现出极强的适应能力,通过与时俱进的改变,维持了其在英国社会中的重要地位。
– **君主立宪制**: 自17世纪光荣革命以来,英国王室逐步向君主立宪制过渡,君主的权力由绝对权力变为象征性权力。通过这种转变,王室在国家治理中保持了一种平衡,与民主制度和现代社会契合,从而避免了许多其他国家君主制的覆灭命运。
### 公共形象与文化象征
– **王室成员的公众形象**: 英国王室通过积极参与公众事务,尤其是慈善活动、外交访问和国家庆典等,维持了其与民众的密切联系。王室成员的个人形象,如伊丽莎白二世女王的稳重与献身精神,以及威廉王子和凯特王妃的现代家庭形象,极大地增强了王室在民众心中的亲和力和支持度。
– **传统与现代的结合**: 英国王室在保持传统的同时,也逐步融入现代文化。通过参与现代媒体、社交网络和公众活动,王室展现出与时俱进的一面。这种结合不仅维护了传统的威严和庄重,也使得王室能够更好地融入现代社会,吸引年轻一代的关注和支持。
### 危机管理与恢复力
– **应对丑闻与危机**: 英国王室在其历史上曾多次面临丑闻和危机,如戴安娜王妃的婚姻破裂及其去世、安德鲁王子的性丑闻等。尽管这些事件对王室声誉造成了一定的影响,但通过谨慎的公关策略和王室成员个人的努力,王室通常能够平稳度过危机,并逐步恢复其公众形象。
– **王室成员的变化与更新**: 随着时间推移,王室成员的新老交替也使得王室能够不断更新其形象。例如,威廉王子和哈里王子的公众形象以及他们的婚姻,为王室注入了现代和全球化的元素,增强了王室在全球范围内的影响力。
### 社会支持与认同
– **公众的支持**: 尽管英国社会中有不同的政治观点和对王室制度的看法,但整体而言,英国王室在英国社会中仍然享有较高的支持率。这种支持不仅来自于传统与文化的延续,也源于王室在国家稳定和认同中的象征性作用。
– **国家象征**: 英国王室作为国家的象征,超越了政治和社会的分歧,成为英国文化、历史和身份认同的象征。这种超然地位使得王室在复杂的社会环境中依然能够维持其核心地位。
### 总结
考文特花园(Covent Garden)
维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆(Victoria and Albert Museum, V&A)
皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅(Royal Albert Hall)
[英国现代化考察系列之伦敦]逍遥音乐会成立于1895年,是每年夏季连续八周的古典音乐活动,现在每个乐季包含超过70场阿尔伯特厅的音乐会。今天晚上的音乐会的曲目包括格蕾丝·威廉姆斯的音乐会序曲(7分钟)、卡尔·詹金斯的狂想曲(Stravaganza)(20分钟),以及BBC委托作品路易丝·法伦克的第一序曲(7分钟),重头戏是路德维希·范·贝多芬的A大调第七交响曲(36分钟)。音乐会一开始气势磅礴的序曲和狂想曲,随后萨克斯女神杰斯·吉勒姆(Jess Gillam)的萨克斯管独奏,她惊人的音乐天赋和曲调婉转的萨克斯令全场震撼,在她演奏的时候,全场鸦雀无声,每个人都在随着她的音乐而起伏,一曲演奏完毕全场掌声欢呼声经久不息,她一直连续演奏三首观众才放她离开舞台。当然,贝多芬的第七交响曲更是令人沉醉,有着神一般的魔力,在30多分钟的音乐冲击下,自己感觉在一种梦境般的幻觉中上下穿梭,身体不由自主地随着节奏和旋律脉动,令人流连忘返。这场音乐会将呈现经典与现代作品的独特组合,展现贝多芬在第七交响曲中的节奏活力和欢乐精神。这场音乐会绝对是对英国文化巅峰的体验,我环顾四周,发现几乎所有面孔都是白人,除了我们前面有几个中国女孩,周围几乎没有非洲裔,甚至印度裔的也不多。这一点和在进入地铁和走到大街上完全不同,英国有它固有的核心文化精神,它可以在考文特花园这样的市井空间以一种润物无声的特殊方式存在,也可以在皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅这样恢弘大气的场合肆意地渲染,其文化核心之稳固和文化外围之包容,都是英国现代化的力量,这一点不能低估。8月13日,伦敦(七)。
皇家汉普顿宫和皇家植物园。汉普敦宫(Hampton Court Palace)
事实上,汉普顿宫周围很大一片都是王室的土地,周围的风景如诗似画,景色宜人。拜访完王宫之后,来到了The Hampton Court Palace高尔夫俱乐部,午在俱乐部草场走了一段路之后,下午来到了基尤皇家植物园(Kew Gardens)参观,
晚餐 Rising Sun
伊利大主教堂里面有一个雕塑,可能是著名艺术家**乔纳森·克拉克(Jonathan Clarke)创作的《生命之路》(Way of Life)雕塑。它是以铸铝制作,顶部是一个风格化的十字架,下方是一条弯曲的道路。这是对基督徒信仰之旅的现代诠释,蜿蜒的道路象征着朝圣者通往十字架的旅程,而十字架代表着基督教信仰中精神生活的最终目标。该雕塑显眼地安装在伊利大教堂的墙上,与教堂融合历史建筑与当代艺术的理念相呼应,这件艺术品成为大教堂内宏伟哥特式内部的一处焦点,邀请人们沉思并反思它所代表的精神旅程。…..
剑桥菲茨威廉博物馆(Fitzwilliam Museum),它是剑桥大学的艺术和古物博物馆,收藏了大量的艺术品和文物。据该馆亚洲部主任林政升博士介绍,
我们拜访了剑桥大学露西·卡文迪什学院(Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge),现任院长是玛德琳·阿特金斯教授
去年学术院点院士之家对外改革开放的第一年,接待的第一批代表团就是LCC副院长Alison Vinnicombe带来的剑桥团,包括剑桥菲茨威廉博物馆Fitzwilliam Museum T亚洲部主任林政升博士。大家相约彼此走动起来……今年是第一次单独接待与对话系列论坛无关的国内的代表团,希望以后彼此也走起来……
中餐。。 晚餐,烤鸭
8月15日 伦敦(八)
天也到伦敦西区的中国环球电视网(CGTN)欧洲代表处考察。这几年,CGTN在海外有了很快发展。。。,BBC没有总部的概念,英国不同地区都有办公地点,相对灵活。伦敦的BBC大楼仍然是新闻部最主要的办公地点。具体可在https://www.bbcstudios.com/contact/our-locations/ 查看
8月16日 伦敦(九)
我们下午来到伦敦大区新建的City Hall考察,
8月17日 伦敦(十)
- 2023年11月,马丁·阿尔布劳教授在清华大学住了两个星期…
- 感谢非常感谢全球中国学术院邀请的志愿人员接力棒式的接应和陪同!他们是牛津段的@语桐 :UCL博士生程语桐,伯明翰段的@SHU WANG(澍) ,英国大道教育咨询集团总裁、伯明翰华埠商会执行主席王澍斌王总及伯大的几位博士,曼彻斯特段的@William 栋栋 胡正栋博士是《英国社会学评论》期刊的博士后研究员,格拉斯哥段的@小蘑菇兔儿 格大研究生南宇航,南同学明早还要送赵老师夫妇取机场,完成格拉斯哥最后一棒;格拉斯哥的行程较长、还要感谢@Jiangfeng 周霄飞博士,他是中非桥执行总裁、英中科创(创始)会长。很高兴你们都认为这段经历对你们也是有益的。前面我已经向赵老师和袁老师约稿了,如果书出版了,你们的名字和照片都会与书一起存世的,再次感谢大家🙏
- 我们在向志愿人员分配工作前交代,要确保从车站到酒店和酒店回车站的顺利通畅,并且报销送往迎来的车费。各种参观景点是否陪同取决于彼此的时间和兴趣。
GCA Life Fellow Professor ZHU Guanglei and His Family’s Visit to the UK (2-11 August 2024)
Around 7 pm. on August 8, I visited the hotel where Professor Zhu and his family were staying in Willesden Green to welcome them. Thanks to Professor Zhu’s thoughtfulness, the postcode is NW2, just a 20-minute drive from the GCA Fellows’ Home (NW7). In a city as vast as London, you could almost call us neighbours! Inspired by the traditional Chinese intellectual ideal of ‘reading ten thousand books and traveling ten thousand miles,’ I added two more phrases: ‘dining on international cuisine and making friends from all corners of the world.’ I chose a nearby Turkish restaurant, Lezziz Charcoal Grill, to host them. The restaurant has a simple yet warm decor and offers authentic Turkish kebabs and a variety of Mediterranean dishes. The top left photo shows our ‘big family photo’ (from left to right): Professor Zhu’s son, daughter-in-law, wife, granddaughter, Professor Zhu himself, and me. After enjoying a rich Mediterranean salad, the barbecue feast that followed was about twice the size of what’s shown in the bottom left photo, and the desserts and tea that came afterward were also quite special.
During the meal, we discussed the differences between Chinese and Turkish cuisine, from their forms to their content, and appreciated their attitude of ‘admiring the beauty of others’ and ‘harmony in diversity’ (Fei Xiaotong’s term). Professor Zhu mentioned that restaurants in the UK are livelier than those in China. However, on the way back after dinner, I noticed that quite a few restaurants were rather quiet, which suggests that my choice was not bad, and everyone seemed quite satisfied. I believe that time abroad is precious, and aside from clothing, the experiences of food, accommodation, and travel should all differ from those in our home country.
From August 9 to 10, accompanied by friends and the Academy’s Operations Manager, David Liu, Professor Zhu and his family visited various attractions in London and the surrounding areas.
On the afternoon of the 10th, Professor Zhu and his family came to GCA Fellows’ Home, where they received a warm welcome. The following photos, from left to right and top to bottom, show: me giving a brief introduction to the day’s activities; Professor Zhu presenting a gift to the Academy. He explained that it is a ‘Lotus and Surplus’ New Year painting from Yangliuqing, Tianjin [Note 2], and he wished it would bring good fortune to the Global China Academy. Following this, Professor ZHAO Kejin presented small gifts to both me and Ingrid Cranfield, the former chair of the Academy’s Board of Trustees and the president of Global Century Press.
The following is an expanded ‘big family photo,’ which includes three generations of Professor Zhu’s family (five members) and a friend, Professor Zhao’s family of three, and four staff members from the Academy. In addition to Ingrid and me, the photo also includes Operations Manager David Liu (fourth from the right in the back row) and Project Manager Li Yu (first on the right in the back row). I appreciate both of them for driving and accompanying the two families on visits to Oxford and other places respectively.
Next is free discussion time (see photos below).
The dinner was a Western-style meal, held in two separate dining rooms: 10 people in the main dining room, and Professor Zhu’s son and his family of three in the garden dining room (as shown in the top left and right of the photos below). It was only afterward that we realized the three courses represented a combination of Italian, French, and British flavors.
- The starter consisted of two parts: one part was a Mediterranean-style seasoned avocado, where the avocado was halved and pitted, then drizzled with balsamic vinegar and olive oil, and sprinkled with black pepper. This dish highlighted the creamy texture of the avocado and its subtle nutty flavour, while the tanginess of the balsamic vinegar and the fruitiness of the olive oil added layers of complexity. The other part of the starter was a beetroot salad with basil and cashews, made with beets handpicked from a nearby farm, boiled, and then mixed with fresh basil leaves and cashews, all tossed in olive oil to create a refreshing salad with a hint of nutty flavour.
- The main course: Since Professor Zhu mentioned he wanted to have grilled fish, we prepared gratinéed salmon with samphire, buttered potatoes, and purple sprouting broccoli. This dish incorporated many classic elements of French cuisine and can thus be classified as a French-inspired dish.
- Dessert: Apple and blackberry pie with cream, all homemade by Ingrid. This is a classic British dessert, combining the sweetness of apples with the slight tartness of blackberries. The pie had a crispy crust and a juicy filling, complemented by smooth, rich homemade white cream. The white of the cream contrasted beautifully with the golden pie crust and the deep red-purple of the fruit filling, enhancing the overall dining experience. The combination of the creamy milk flavour and the fruity aroma of the pie created a striking taste contrast, offering a very comforting culinary experience. [Note 3]
Most importantly, every apple and blackberry used to make these two pies was handpicked by Ingrid herself. We hope that our Fellows and their families can truly feel at home at the GCA Fellows’ Home and take away fond memories of familial warmth.
After dinner, having coffee and tea—a dining habit that combines elements of health, tradition, culture, and social interaction—added much enjoyment and benefit to the evening. The following photos show scenes of everyone chatting and drinking from the dining room to the garden, with everyone leaving fully satisfied.
The photo on the bottom right was taken the next morning when I went to Professor Zhu’s residence to bid farewell to his family. When asked if he felt homesick after coming to the UK, he replied, ‘My whole family is here, and we’ve enjoyed the home-like hospitality at the Fellows’ Home, so of course, I’ll miss this home!’ As I watched the minibus take Professor Zhu and his family to the airport, I felt a deep sense of admiration for the seamless coordination among our colleagues and team during this first-time reception of a Fellow and his family at our Fellows’ Home.
- In 2018, during the preparations for the Fifth Global China Dialogue: Global Governance for Justice, we invited Professor Zhu Guanglei, Vice President of Nankai University, as the keynote speaker from China. Since he was initially introduced as ‘President Zhu,’ we have continued to use this title thereafter in Chinese version.
- This is a New Year painting from Yangliuqing, Tianjin, a famous form of Chinese folk art that originated in the Ming Dynasty. The lotus in the painting symbolizes purity and nobility, the child represents innocence and hope, and the carp signifies good fortune and abundance. The painting is titled ‘Lotus Year with Surplus,’ which is a play on words, as the phrase sounds like ‘abundance year after year’ in Chinese.
- The detailed description of the dinner here might be unnecessary for English readers. However, the following examples encouraged me to write freely on the blog.
- I recall our English editor suggested cutting out the part about ordering and discussing the meal at ‘The Real Greek’ restaurant in the blog post on ‘Global China Academy’s Two-Day Team Building: Integrating Academic Insights with Cultural, Historical, and Natural Exploration,’ because it might seem “boring” to British readers.
- This reminded me of a book published by Global Century Press titled Cultural Gap—Notes of a British Broadcaster Growing Up in China, written by Paul Crook and published in 2017. It’s a Chinese book, and he believed it shouldn’t be translated into English because it would likely seem “boring” to British readers. I accepted his judgment, as he grew up in a bilingual environment of both English and Chinese. Paul’s father, David Crook (1910-2000), was a British communist, writer, and teacher, and his mother, Isabel Crook (1915-2023), was a British-Canadian social anthropologist, professor, and educator. They co-authored several books, including Revolution in a Chinese Village, Ten Mile Inn (1959) and Ten Mile Inn: Mass Movement in a Chinese Village (New York: Pantheon Books, 1979). Since 1949, they had been teaching English at Beijing Foreign Studies University.
- Another example is when our graphic designer added a note in the ‘GCP style rules for rendering Chinese-English dual languages’ (3.1.2 GCP style rules for rendering Chinese-English dual languages) section of the Global Century Press House Style Guide: ‘Note for English-language readers: The following two sections (3.1.2 and 3.1.3) are not relevant. They contain information mostly relating to the typesetting of GCP’s overseas Chinese editions – the transcultural process of combining English and Chinese typesetting styles for overseas Chinese readers.’ (p. 26). I borrowed this note as an explanation for all my blog readers, whether they are English or Chinese speakers.
Chang Xiangqun, August 22, 2024
1. 邀请安排
2024年6月初,朱光磊教授与我联系,表示他将在暑假期间访问英国。经过与负责院士工作的副院长彼得·施罗德(Peter Schröder)教授的沟通,我们联名为朱校长【注释1】签发了邀请函。邀请函中明确说明,作为学术院的院士,他本人和家人均可在我们的“院士之家”免费住宿一周(详见院士待遇第12项,此外还包括其他多项待遇)。朱校长表示,希望通过访问英国及与学术院的互动来扩大学术影响。同时,他也愿意顺便做学术讲座,并提供了两个讲稿:一个是“政府职能转变的过程与逻辑”,另一个是“现阶段中国阶层格局变化的十大新特点”。由于此次行程还包括与格拉斯哥大学的深度交流,他将先前往格拉斯哥,再到伦敦。他对学术院表示感谢,但已预订了旅店,因此,不会在学术院的“院士之家”住宿。对此,我们感到非常遗憾,并希望以此为契机,广泛宣传学术院的院士待遇。这样,未来院士及其家人到伦敦时,就可以避免像朱校长及其家人这样在食宿和交通等方面的额外支出。
2. 格拉斯哥活动
根据朱校长的行程安排,他们于8月2日至7日在格拉斯哥的活动由格拉斯哥大学社会与政治科学学院政治系苏格兰中国研究中心主任杜珍(Jane Duckett)教授负责接待与安排。在此,仅分享其中两例。
3. 伦敦市区及周边的活动
8月8日晚上7点多,我来到位于Willesden Green的朱校长下榻的旅店,欢迎他们全家。感谢朱校长的体贴,这里的邮编是NW2,与学术院的院士之家(NW7)只有不到20分钟的车程,在偌大的伦敦几乎可以说是近邻了!基于中国知识分子传统的“破万卷书、行万里路”理念,我们加了两句“食国际餐、交四方友”,并选择了他们驻地附近的一家土耳其餐馆来接待他们。这家Lezziz Charcoal Grill餐馆内部装饰简约,但氛围温馨,提供正宗的土耳其烤肉和丰富的地中海美食。以下照片左上为我们的“大家庭照”(自左至右):朱校长的儿子、儿媳、夫人、孙女、他本人和我;在享用完丰富的地中海沙拉后,上来的烧烤大餐相当于左下图中的两倍,之后的甜食和茶也都挺别致。席间,我们讨论了中餐与土耳其餐从形式到内容的区别,欣赏对他们这种“美人之美”和“美美与共”的态度。朱校长说,英国的餐厅比国内的热闹,餐后回来的路上,我注意到不少餐厅也挺冷清的,说明我的选择还不错,大家也挺满意。我认为,出国时间宝贵,穿衣除外,食住行都应该是与在国内不同的体验。
10日下午,朱校长及全家来到学术院的院士之家,受到了热情的接待。以下照片自左至右、自上而下分别是:我对当天的活动进行了简单介绍;朱校长向学术院赠送了礼品。他表示,这是天津杨柳青的“莲年有余”年画【注释2】,愿它为全球中国学术院带来美好的祝愿。接着,赵可金教授分别向我和学术院信托会前主席、环球世纪出版社社长Ingrid Cranfield 赠送了小礼品。
- 头盘包括两部分:一部分是地中海风格的调味牛油果(Seasoned Avocado),牛油果去核后一分为二,在果肉中淋上意大利香醋、橄榄油,并撒上黑胡椒。这道菜突出牛油果的奶油质感和淡淡的坚果香气,同时意大利香醋的酸味和橄榄油的果香增添了层次感;另一部分是香草腰果甜菜根沙拉(Beetroot Salad with Basil and Cashews),使用了在附近农场自己采摘的甜菜根,煮熟后搭配新鲜的罗勒叶和腰果,再拌上橄榄油,形成一种既清新又带有坚果风味的沙拉。
- 主菜:由于朱校长表示他想吃烤鱼,因此我们准备了烤蛋黄酱三文鱼配海松草、黄油小土豆和紫芥兰(Gratinéed Salmon with Samphire, Buttered Potatoes, and Purple Sprouting Broccoli),这道菜结合了许多法式料理的经典元素,因此可以归类为法式风味的菜肴。
- 甜点:苹果黑莓派(Apple and Blackberry Pie)和奶油,都是Ingrid自制的。这是一道经典的英式甜点,结合了苹果的甜味和黑莓的微酸,外皮酥脆,内馅多汁,再配上绵滑浓郁的自制白色奶油,奶油的洁白与派的金黄、果馅的紫红形成了漂亮的色彩对比,不仅提升了整体的餐桌体验,其乳香与派的果香结合在一起也形成了鲜明的口感对比,营造出非常舒适的味觉享受。【注释3】
1. 2018年,在第五届全球中国对话——全球正义治理的筹备期间,我们邀请到的中方主旨发言嘉宾是南开大学副校长朱光磊教授。由于一开始被介绍的是“朱校长”这个称谓,之后我们便沿用了这一称呼。
2. 这是一幅起源于明代的中国著名民间艺术天津杨柳青的年画,画中的莲花象征着纯洁与高尚,儿童象征着纯真与希望,鲤鱼象征着吉祥和丰收。此画名为“莲年有余”,这四个字取其“年年有余”的谐音。
3. 这里详细介绍了晚宴的内容,对英语读者来说可能是多余的。然而,以下几个例子鼓励我在博客中自由写作。
- 记得我们的英文编辑在编辑“全球中国学术院两天团建活动:融合学术洞察与文化、历史及自然探索”的博文时,建议删掉在“真正的希腊”The Real Greek餐厅点餐及相关议论的部分,因为在英国人看来这些内容“枯燥”(boring)。
- 这让我想起了环球世纪出版社出版的一本书《文化鸿沟——中国生长的英国播音主持人手记》,作者是柯鸿冈(Paul Crook),出版于2017年。这是一本中文书,他认为不宜翻译成英文,因为对英国人来说会觉得“枯燥”(boring)。我接受了他的判断,因为他在英语和中文的双重语境中成长。鸿冈的父亲大卫·柯鲁克(David Crook,1910-2000)是英国共产主义者、作家和教师,母亲伊莎白·柯鲁克(Isabel Crook,1915-2023)是英属加拿大籍社会人类学家、教授、教育家。他们合著了《十里店:中国一个村庄的革命》(Revolution in a Chinese Village, Ten Mile Inn, 1959)和《十里店:中国一个村庄的群众运动》(Ten Mile Inn: Mass Movement in a Chinese Village, New York: Pantheon Books, 1979)等书籍。他们从1949年起一直在北京外国语大学教授英语。
- 还有一个例子,就是我们的美编在《环球出版社出版指南与体例》中的“中英双语排版规则”(3.1.2 GCP style rules for rendering Chinese-English dual languages)加了一段话:“给英文读者的注释:以下两节(3.1.2 和 3.1.3)与您无关。它们主要包含有关环球世纪出版社海外中文版本排版的信息,这种将英文和中文排版风格结合起来的跨文化过程是为海外中文读者服务的”(第26页)。我借用这个注释,作为给我所有博文读者的说明,无论是英文还是中文读者。
Impressions and Reflections on Visiting Birmingham in the UK
Impressions and Reflections on Birmingham in the UK[1]
July 30-31, 2024
ZHAO Kejin, YUAN Lijuan
On July 30th, after approximately a two-hour journey, departing from the scholarly haven of Oxford, rich with academic atmosphere, we arrived at the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution, Birmingham.! Birmingham, as the industrial hub of central England, is also the second-largest city in the UK after London, and it’s a magical place with many stories!
For many who still perceive the UK through the various news of the British royal family or the Premier League teams, it’s unavoidable to recognize the over 200 years of industrialization that the UK began. This era propelled human technology, wealth, art, and life to a peak period, significantly widening the modern development gap between the East and the West! We can’t help but ask, did all this originate merely from the bubbles rising in Watt’s eyes?
Next to our hotel was the ancient canal path of Birmingham, with many old buildings and facility remnants from its days as a loading and unloading dock still preserved. One can imagine the bustling scenes and the sweaty work environment of the past, as people laboured hard for a better future! In the period around 1776, Britain’s production was still backward, markets were fragmented, and there were some gaps between people and a life of more wealth and freedom! Many people traveled long distances, setting sail across the ocean to seek a free and beautiful world, while those who stayed had to think hard within the existing structure to seek breakthroughs!
Top Left Photo: This is a view of the canal area in central Birmingham, featuring historical landmarks such as ‘Regency Wharf’ and ‘Rum Runner Works,’ part of the city’s extensive canal network. The photo shows the coexistence of red brick buildings and modern architecture, highlighting the blend of old and new in this area. Top Right Photo: This is Brindley place and its surrounding areas in central Birmingham, known for its beautiful canal scenery, historical buildings, and modern facilities. The modern buildings on the left contrast with the historical buildings on the right, with high-rise buildings and bridges over the canal adding layers to the cityscape, showcasing the city’s diverse development and vibrant urban character. Bottom Left Photo: This is a building in Birmingham’s canal area, with an old crane and pulley system on top, once used for canal cargo loading and unloading, symbolizing the canal trade and industrial activity of the past. The large mural depicting plants on its exterior wall combines industrial, artistic, and historical elements of the canal area. Bottom Right Photo: This is an iron bridge in Birmingham’s canal area, manufactured in 1827 by the Horseley Iron Works in Staffordshire, known for high-quality iron products. The bridge showcases 19th-century industrial technology and design, reflecting the engineering and manufacturing achievements of the British Industrial Revolution.
Birmingham is indeed the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution. However, the secret of British industrialization has not been extended to ecological research. Britain, an island nation surrounded by the sea, relied heavily on maritime transport. However, focusing only on the sea wouldn’t have led to the Industrial Revolution, as seen in Indonesia and India, where no such revolution occurred. The British Industrial Revolution was closely linked to canal digging, similar to China’s Grand Canal and the Red Flag Canal in Linzhou, Henan.
Before the 18th century, Britain had no canal system of its own. The presence of the Pennine and Cambrian Mountains caused rivers like the Thames, Severn, and Trent to flow into the North Sea and the Irish Sea, preventing inland water retention and hindering transportation. Carriage transport was backward. However, as factory handcrafts transformed into machine-driven large-scale industry, with factories emerging in 1721, Watt inventing the steam engine in 1776, trains appearing in 1830, and a nationwide railway network established by 1850, it’s clear that railways were a result, not a driver, of industrialization. Over a century before railways, industrialization accelerated due to the construction of the Bridgewater Canal in 1759.
The digging of canals was spurred by coal and iron ore discoveries in Manchester and Birmingham, with canal transport capacity far exceeding that of carriages. This success prompted British merchants to invest in canal systems. James Brindley planned the Grand Cross Canal, linking Liverpool on the west coast, the Mersey River, and London on the east coast, the Thames River, with the Humber River and Severn River ports. Birmingham, at the intersection of this canal, gained immense industrialization opportunities, poised at this historical crossroads to seize them.
Thus, Birmingham is an industrial city pulled by the Grand Cross Canal, the mother river of British industrialization. This foundation led to the development of the Grand Junction Canal, transforming Britain’s ecological system and setting the stage for industrialization. The engine of the British Empire was ignited, leading the UK into a new era of world history.
Top Left Photo: This is a serene section of the canal area in Birmingham, with three Canadian geese (Branta canadensis) leisurely swimming. The sign on the building’s lower right corner reads ‘The Malt House,’ a historic restaurant or pub in the canal area, showcasing the perfect blend of nature and man-made structures. Top Right Photo: This is a view of the canal area in central Birmingham, with historic red brick industrial or warehouse buildings on the left, now possibly repurposed for modern use, and modern glass buildings on the right, highlighting the stark contrast between old and new. Bottom Photo 1(from left to right): This is a view from inside a canal tunnel in Birmingham, looking out towards the red brick buildings and the small path along the canal, with bridges and modern buildings in the distance, showcasing the blend of old and new in the canal area. Bottom Photo 2: This is part of the ‘Mailbox’ building in central Birmingham, a landmark combining shopping, dining, hotels, and offices. The photo shows restaurant or bar signs like ‘BOX’ and ‘Pitcher & Piano,’ located within the Mailbox. The architectural style blends modern and traditional elements, reminiscent of commercial areas near Shanghai’s City God Temple, perhaps inspiring modern large shopping and entertainment complexes. Bottom Photo 3: This is the exterior of a traditional pub in Birmingham, with signs by the door listing services such as traditional hand-pulled ales and ciders, heated smoking area, open fire, bar snacks, and disabled facilities, reflecting the traditional décor and typical atmosphere of British pubs. Bottom Photo 4: This is a statue of Edward VII in Victoria Square, Birmingham, with the base inscription explaining his reign as King of the United Kingdom from 1901 to 1910. As the eldest son of Queen Victoria, during his reign, he significantly enhanced Britain’s position on the international stage and its social progress by promoting social reforms and modern diplomatic policies. Victoria Square is also home to many other historical monuments and artworks, as well as important buildings like the Birmingham Town Hall and the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery.
If James Brindley’s planning of the Grand Cross Canal started the engine that ushered the UK into a new era of world history, then James Watt’s discovery of steam’s industrial value and his invention of the machines to harness that value radically transformed human production and lifestyle. Following Watt, many others pushed these unprecedented discoveries and inventions to new heights.
These two photos were taken at Birmingham’s Thinktank Science Museum, located at Millennium Point, an interactive science museum showcasing various exhibits from the Industrial Revolution to modern technology. Left Photo: This is an ancient steam locomotive, demonstrating the complexity and aesthetics of mechanical manufacturing during the Industrial Revolution. The design includes large drive wheels, a complex piping system, and various valves and instruments. Its working principle involves burning coal or wood to heat water, generating steam whose pressure drives pistons, which in turn rotate the wheels, showcasing the engineering achievements and technological progress of the steam power era. Steam locomotives were widely used in industrial and transportation fields in the 19th and early 20th centuries, propelling the progress of the Industrial Revolution. Right Photo: This is a high-wheeled bicycle (Penny-farthing) that was very popular in the late 19th century. The design aimed to increase riding speed since a larger front wheel could cover more distance per rotation. However, due to its instability and tendency to cause falls, it was later replaced by safer and more practical modern bicycles.
Our world is a time-space combination based on energy. With humanity’s current cognitive abilities, we can only perceive and utilize about 5% of time-space energy, with much of the unknown world awaiting our exploration! The exploratory spirit of Watt and his successors, given their limited resources, has already created such a brilliant situation. Imagine the future with countless possibilities, where we seek the value of life in the interplay of the finite and the infinite! What we can see is always just a small part of the totality we possess. Discovery pertains to stock; invention pertains to increment; exploration pertains to infinity. This perhaps embodies the profound and implicit meaning of Chinese words. In the longing for a better life, there is no difference among various races, countries, or civilizations!
During our two-day flying visit in Birmingham, another deeply touching aspect was the presence of a group of people from our homeland, overseas Chinese! For livelihood or studies, they left their homeland, rooted themselves here, and sought development at the intersection of Eastern and Western civilizations, facing imaginable difficulties and challenges! However, they are a wise group, finding suitable living spaces with their strong vitality, integrating into the local energy environment, and becoming one with it! Whether from Darwin’s natural selection or the Chinese saying that ‘a tree thrives by moving, and a person thrives by relocating,’ migration is about opening up new energy fields.
Left Photo: President Wang Shubin of the British Avenue Consulting Group with his colleagues (middle front row and back row) hosted a Cantonese meal for Professors Zhao and Yuan at Chung Ying Cantonese Restaurant, ranked third among the best Chinese restaurants in Birmingham. Right Photo (from left to right): Dr Yongjian Li, Prof ZHAO Kejin, Ms YUAN Lijuan and Dr Mengda WU in front of a blue plaque commemorating Professor Li Siguang at the University of Birmingham.
Photo 1(from left to right): Above the commemorative plaque for Professor Li Siguang pointed out by Professor Zhao Kejin, from top to bottom, are plaques for Charles Lapworth (1882-1923, pioneering work on mountain range formation), Frederick Shotton (1949-1974, advancing understanding of climate change), and Professor Li Siguang (1889-1971, geologist and politician, made pioneering contributions to Chinese geology and natural resource research, received a doctorate from the University of Birmingham in 1927). Photo 2: Chris and Maggie with Professors Zhao and Yuan in front of the Joseph Chamberlain Memorial Clock Tower (Old Joe) at the University of Birmingham’s Edgbaston Campus, showcasing the university’s history and neoclassical architectural style. Photos 3 and 4 (from left to right): Ms YUAN Lijuan, Prof ZHAO Kejin, Dr Yongjian Li, Dr Mengda Wu and Dr Deqing Rong of Birmingham University looking up at the clock tower.
The spread of human civilization is accompanied by human migration, with outward movement always being a positive choice for growth! A child cannot be sheltered under their parents’ wings forever, nor can a nation remain isolated in arrogance! The fusion of different bloodlines and genes gives birth to greater wisdom; stagnation and self-righteousness are undesirable! Buddhism teaches that despising others is a great sin, perhaps laying a spiritual foundation for integration! This integration does not mean the disappearance of uniqueness but finding commonality in differences, learning from others to accurately position oneself, and giving the unknown world necessary respect![2] Just like Birmingham’s extensive canal network or China’s historical Grand Canal, utilizing existing waterways and creating new channels have facilitated communication and trade across regions, diminishing divisions and differences, while conflict and opposition often come with isolation and barriers!
As the train heads towards Manchester, the scenery outside the window keeps shifting, and the future awaits our continuous exploration…
Edited by Xiangqun Chang, 1st August 2024
[1] Editor’s Note: This blog is edited by Xiangqun Chang. The extensive footnotes aim to use the blog as an example for help to understand the Global China Academy. The captions of all the photos, proofreading, and English translation were assisted by ChatGPT-4o.
- Professor ZHAO Kejin, Vice Dean of the School of Social Sciences and Director of the Global Industry Research Institute at Tsinghua University, along with his wife, Yuan Lijuan, were invited by the Global China Academy to conduct an investigation tour and academic exchanges in the UK from July 27 to August 24, 2024. The theme of the investigation tour is ‘Modernization of the UK and Its Global Development Experience.’ Their travel route included London-Oxford-Birmingham-Manchester-Glasgow-London-Cambridge, etc. At each location, volunteers arranged by the academy were present to receive or accompany them.
- We would like to thank the Zhejiang UK Association (ZJUKA) for providing contacts in Oxford, Birmingham, and Glasgow. ZJUKA was one of the supporters of the 2nd Global China Dialogue on ‘Transculturality and New Global Governance’ in 2015. About the ‘transculturality’, in the postscript of the Proceedings of the 1st Global China Dialogue: The Experience of China’s Modernization from a Comparative Perspective, I pointed out, ‘Another key outcome of this dialogue was the recognition of the similarities and differences between various types of dialogue. Cross-Cultural Dialogue refers to exchanges between people from different cultural backgrounds, aiming to understand and respect each other’s cultural differences; Intercultural Dialogue involves deep communication between different cultures to build bridges and reduce misunderstandings and conflicts; Transcultural Dialogue goes beyond the boundaries of a single culture, integrating elements from different cultures to create new cultural consensus. The Global China Dialogue platform will address the challenges of global governance through Transcultural Dialogue and explore the possibilities of mutual benefit, symbiosis, coexistence, and prosperity’ (Page 45, 2016).
- The book Walking for Peace: Transcultural Experiences from a Journey in China, edited by ZJUKA’s founding president Lady Xuelin Li Bates, has been published in both English and Chinese by our Global Century Press. This book is based on the blog posts of her husband, Lord Michael Bates, during his walk from Beijing to Hangzhou in 2015, marking the 70th anniversary of China’s victory in the Anti-Japanese War. The book is part of the ‘Three Eyes Transcultural Series,’ requiring authors to write with three perspectives: ethnic Chinese, culturally Chinese, or having some overseas living experience, and once own working experience. As a ‘son-in-law of China,’ some of Lord Bates’ content reflects this perspective. The book also presents a comparative viewpoint; while Lord Bates served as the UK’s Minister of State for International Development, he contemplated the shipbuilding industries of China, Korea, and the UK during his walk along the Grand Canal.
- The Birmingham visit of ZHAO Kejin and YUAN Lijuan was hosted and arranged by Wang Shubin, President of the UK Pathway Consultancy and Executive President of the Birmingham Chinatown Chamber of Commerce, along with his colleagues. The publication of this blog post on the Global China Academy’s website is also a token of appreciation for their assistance during Professor Zhao and Ms. Yuan’s visit to Birmingham.
[2] Editor’s Note:
- This blog, co-authored by ZHAO Kejin and YUAN Lijuan, vividly presents the 16-character methodology of renowned Chinese sociologist and anthropologist Fei Xiaotong: ‘Appreciate the beauty of oneself, appreciate the beauty of others, share the beauty with all, and achieve harmony in the world.’ For example, Mr Shubin Wang welcomed Professor Zhao and Ms. Yuan with Cantonese cuisine at Chung Ying Cantonese Restaurant, ranked third among the best Chinese restaurants in appreciating Chinese food in the UK. Numerous photos of canals, buildings, daily life, plaques commemorating scientists, and museums exhibit ‘appreciating the beauty of others.’ The coexistence of traditional and modern, natural, cultural, industrial elements, and diverse food cultures demonstrates ‘sharing the beauty with all.’ In their reflections at the end of the blog, the authors mention that ‘finding commonality in differences means learning from others to accurately position oneself and giving due respect to the unknown world!’ This echoes the transculturality promoted by the Global China Academy and, in some sense, surpasses the concept of ‘achieving harmony in the world,’ resonating with Fei’s later advocacy of ‘harmony but not uniformity.’
- Global Century Press publishes a series of books on eight themes, including: Chinese Concepts, Chinese Discourse, Understanding China and the World, Comparative Perspectives on China and the Chinese, Globalization of Chinese Social Sciences, “Three Eyes” Transcultural, Research on China’s Urbanization, and Cutting-edge and Avant-garde Studies. Each series includes academic works, policy research, investigation reports, and popular humanities and social science books. The book Walking for Peace has the nature of an investigation report, featuring over 300 colour photos and numerous photo descriptions provided by authors with sociological training, reflecting methods of visual sociology and visual anthropology. The blog also has a certain global and comparative perspective and many photos. Global Century Press looks forward to adding a new book to the ‘Three Eyes Transcultural Series’ titled ‘Investigating Modernization and Global Development Experience of Modern Britain’ (tentative title), with this blog possibly being included.
赵可金 袁丽娟
左上图:这是位于英国伯明翰市中心的运河区景色,其地标包括“Regency Wharf”和“Rum Runner Works”这两个历史悠久的伯明翰运河网络的一部分。照片中红砖建筑和现代建筑的并存展现了这个区域的新旧结合。右上图:这是伯明翰市中心的运河区布林德利广场(Brindleyplace)及其周围区域,这里以其美丽的运河景观、历史建筑和现代设施而闻名。照片左侧是现代建筑,右侧前面是历史建筑,后面的高层建筑和运河上的桥梁增加了城市景观的层次感。运河上有一座拱桥连接两岸。这种新旧建筑的结合展示了伯明翰城市发展的多样性,以及既有历史底蕴又充满现代活力的城市特色。左下图:这是伯明翰运河区的一栋建筑,建筑上方有一个旧式吊臂和滑轮装置,这个吊臂曾用于运河货物的装卸,象征了过去的运河贸易和工业活动,显示了这个区域的工业历史。其外墙上有一幅巨大描绘植物的壁画,展示了伯明翰运河区工业、艺术与历史元素的结合。右下图:这是伯明翰运河区的一座铁桥,是由位于斯塔福德郡的以高质量铁制品闻名的霍斯利铁工厂(Horseley Iron Works)于1827年制造的。此桥梁展示了19世纪的工业技术和设计风格以及工业革命时期英国在工程和制造方面的成就。
之所以开凿运河,与曼彻斯特和伯明翰发现煤矿和铁矿有关系,运河运力要大大高于马车。这一运河的成功刺激了英国商人集资开凿运河体系。詹姆斯·布林德利规划了大交叉运河(The Grand Cross),将西部港口利物浦-默西河和东部港口伦敦泰晤士河、东北港口赫尔的亨伯河和西南港口布里斯托塞文河连为一体,伯明翰就处于大交叉运河的交叉点上,伯明翰获得了工业化的巨大机遇。在这样一个历史交叉点上,等待着伯明翰的就是能否抓住机遇了。
从这个意义上来说,伯明翰是大交叉运河拉来的工业城市,大交叉运河是英国工业化的母亲河。后来,在这一基础上,大交叉运河发展成为大串联运河(The Grand Junction),英国的生态体系彻底改变了,工业化的历史舞台已经搭建,日不落帝国的发动机已经开启,英国率先步入了世界历史的新时代。
左上图:这是伯明翰运河区的一段宁静水域,有三只加拿大鹅(Branta canadensis)在悠闲地游动。建筑右下角的标牌显示“The Malt House”(麦芽屋),是运河区的一家历史悠久的餐馆或酒吧,展示了自然与人造建筑的完美结合。右上图:这是伯明翰市中心运河区的一个景象。照片左侧是历史悠久的红砖工业或仓库建筑,现在可能被改造成现代用途。右侧是现代的玻璃建筑,与历史建筑形成了鲜明的对比。下图一(自左至右):这是伯明翰运河区的一个运河隧道内的视角向外看,可以看到红砖建筑和运河岸边的小路,运河上方的桥梁和远处的现代建筑,展示了伯明翰运河区新旧建筑融合的特点。下图二:这是位于英国伯明翰市中心的“Mailbox”(邮箱)建筑的一部分,这个标志性建筑集购物、餐饮、酒店和办公等功能于一体。照片中可以看到一些餐厅或酒吧的标志,如“BOX”和“Pitcher & Piano”,这些都是位于 Mailbox 内的餐饮场所。Mailbox 的建筑风格结合了现代和传统元素,有点像上海的城隍庙附近的商业区,也许现代大型购物娱乐等综合体由此获得了灵感。下图三:这是英国伯明翰一家传统酒吧的外观,门旁的标牌上写的服务项目包括传统手工拉制啤酒和苹果酒、加热的吸烟区、开放火炉、酒吧小吃、残疾人设施,体现了英国酒吧的传统装饰风格和典型氛围。下图一:这是位于伯明翰维多利亚广场(Victoria Square)的一座雕像,雕像基座上刻字说明这是爱德华七世(Edward VII),他在1901-1910年期间担任英国国王。作为维多利亚女王的长子, 他在统治英国期间,通过推动社会改革和现代外交政策,显著提升了英国在国际舞台上的地位和社会进步,该雕像是为了纪念他对英国的贡献而建造的。广场上除了爱德华七世的雕像外,还有许多其他具有历史意义的纪念碑和艺术品。维多利亚广场也是市政厅(Birmingham Town Hall)和伯明翰博物馆与美术馆(Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery)等重要建筑的所在地。
如果说詹姆斯·布林德利规划的大交叉运河(The Grand Cross)开启了英国率先步入世界历史新时代的发动机,那么詹姆斯·瓦特发现的蒸汽的工业价值,进而发明了转化这种价值的机器,使人类的生产生活的样态发生了翻天覆地的变化。此后,一群又一群的后来者,把这场史无前例的发现和发明大潮推向一个个新高度!
这两张照片拍自伯明翰的Thinktank伯明翰科学博物馆(Thinktank Birmingham Science Museum),该博物馆位于伯明翰千禧点(Millennium Point),是一个互动式科学博物馆,展示了从工业革命时期的蒸汽机车到现代科技的各种展品。左图:这是一台古老的蒸汽机车,展示了工业革命时期机械制造的复杂性和美学。其外观包括大型的驱动轮、复杂的管道系统和各种阀门和仪表。其工作原理是通过燃烧煤炭或木材来加热水,产生蒸汽,蒸汽的压力驱动活塞运动,进而带动轮子旋转,展示了蒸汽动力时代的工程技术成就及科技进步。蒸汽机车曾在19世纪和20世纪初期广泛用于工业和运输领域,推动了工业革命的进程。右图:这是在19世纪末期非常流行的高轮自行车(Penny-farthing),也被称为“前高后低自行车”。前高后低自行车的设计初衷是为了增加骑行的速度,因为较大的前轮每转一圈可以覆盖更大的距离,但由于其稳定性差和容易导致摔倒受伤,后来被更加安全和实用的现代自行车所取代。
左图:英国大道咨询集团的王澍斌总裁(前排中间)与他的同事在英国最佳中餐馆排名第三的伯明翰粤菜馆(Chung Ying Cantonese Restaurant)用粤菜为赵袁二位老师接风。右图:伯大的李永健博士和武孟达博士在伯明翰大学的楼前与赵袁二位老师在有李四光教授的蓝色纪念牌前合影。
图一 (从左到右):在赵可金教授手指着的李四光教授的纪念牌的上面,自上而下依次是:查尔斯·拉普沃斯(Charles Lapworth, 1882-1923,进行了关于山带形成的开创性工作)、弗雷德里克·肖顿(Frederick Shotton, 1949-1974,推进了对气候变化的理解)和李四光教授(Professor Li Siguang, 1889-1971,地质学家和政治家,为中国地质学和自然资源研究做出了开创性贡献,他于1927年获伯明翰大学博士学位)。图二:Chris和Maggie与赵袁二位老师在伯明翰大学主校园爱德巴斯顿校园(Edgbaston Campus)的一个标志性建筑钟楼前合影。这座钟楼的正式名称是“约瑟夫·张伯伦钟楼”(Joseph Chamberlain Memorial Clock Tower),又被称为“老乔”(Old Joe)。这一建筑群展示了该大学的历史和新古典时期的建筑风格。图三、四:赵袁二位老师与伯大的李永健博士,武孟达博士,荣德清博士仰望钟塔。
人类文明的传播伴随着人类迁徙的脚步,脚尖向外永远都是成长的正态选择!一个孩子不能闭锁在父母的羽翼下,一个民族不能封闭在自大的氛围中!不同血脉基因的融合,诞生出更强大的智慧,固步自封、自以为是不可取!佛家讲轻视别人是极大的罪恶,也许就是为融合做精神托底!而这种融合,不是独特性的消失,而是在差异性中找共性,是以他人为鉴,给自己准确的定位,给予未知世界必要的尊重![2] 就像伯明翰四通八达的运河,像中国历代修葺的大运河,其中有固有河道的利用,也有人工接洽的开凿,顺畅的水道便利了东西南北的沟通,互通有无淡化了分歧和差异,而冲突和对立,往往伴随的都是孤立隔绝和阻断!
常向群 编,2024年8月1日
[1] 编者注:本博客图文由常向群编辑并加注,较多的脚注及图说旨在以此博客为例帮助读者了解全球中国学术院。校对和图说由ChatGPT-4o辅助完成:
- 清华大学社会科学院副院长、全球产业研究院院长赵可金教授及夫人袁丽娟女士应全球中国学术院的邀请,于2024年7月27日至8月24日到英国展开调研、访问和学术交流。调研访问的主题是“近代英国现代化及其全球发展经验研究”。他们的游走路线是伦敦-牛津-伯明翰-曼彻斯特-格拉斯哥-伦敦-剑桥等。每到一处都有由学术院安排的志愿人员接待或陪同。
- 感谢英国浙江联谊会(ZJUKA)帮我们提供了牛津、伯明翰和格拉斯哥的接待人员。ZJUKA曾经是第二届全球中国对话“转文化(transculturality)与新型全球治理”(2015)的支持单位。关于”转文化“,我在第一届全球中国对话”中国现代化进程的经验教训与其它发展中国家和地区之比较“文集的“编后语”中曾指出,“此次对话的另一个关键成果是认识到几种对话的异同。跨文化对话(Cross-Cultural Dialogue)指不同文化背景的人之间的交流,旨在理解和尊重彼此的文化差异;际文化对 话 (Intercultural Dialogue)指在不同文化之间的深度交流,以建立沟通桥梁,减少误解和 冲突;转文化对话(Transcultural Dialogue)指超越单一文化界限的交流,融合不同文化元 素,创造新的文化共识。全球中国对话平台将通过转文化对话来应对全球治理的挑战,并探索互惠共生、共存和繁荣的可能性“(第45页, 2016)。
- ZJUKA的创始会长李雪琳·贝茨勋爵夫人(Lady Xuelin Li Bates)编辑的《为和平徒步——中国之旅的转文化体验》一书由我们环球世界出版社出版了英文版和中文版。此书是基于雪琳的丈夫麦克·贝茨勋爵(Michael Bates)在2015年中国抗日战争胜利70周年之际的北京—杭州徒步日志博文。此书被列为“三只眼转文化系列丛书”,要求作者在写作时带有华人、文化华人或在海外有一定生活体验的华人和职业人三重视野。麦克·贝茨勋爵是“中国女婿”,书中有的内容带有相关视野。此书还呈现出一定的比较视野,麦克时任英国国际发展部国务大臣,在沿着大运河徒步时也对中国、韩国和英国的造船业做了一定的思考。
- 这次赵可金和及袁丽娟的伯明翰之行是由英国大道咨询集团总裁兼伯明翰华埠商会执行会长的王澍斌先生及他的朋友Chris和Maggie接待安排的。全球中国学术院网站发表这篇博文也是表达对他们在赵教授及夫人的伯明翰之行提供帮助的感谢。
[2] 编者注:
- 赵可金和及袁丽娟合写的“伯明翰印象记”,生动地呈现了中国著名社会学家和人类学家费孝通的16字方法论:“各美其美、美人之美、美美与共、天下大同”。例如,英国大道咨询集团的王澍斌总裁在英国最佳中餐馆排名第三的伯明翰粤菜馆(Chung Ying Cantonese Restaurant)用粤菜为赵教授和袁女士接风(在英国欣赏中国美食);大量的运河、建筑、生活、科学家纪念牌、博物馆等照片呈现的是“美人之美”;从传统到现代、自然、人文与工业以及不同饮食文化的并存,展现出“美美与共”的态势;作者在文章最后的体会中提到“这种融合,不是独特性的消失,在差异性中找共性,是以他人为鉴,给自己准确的定位,给予未知世界必要的尊重”,这个观点与注释1中几次提及的全球中国学术院推动的转文化观念非常接近,在某种意义上超越了“天下大同”的境界,与费先生晚年倡导的“和而不同”理念有异曲同工之妙。
- 环球世界出版社出版系列丛书,目前研发了八个主题,如:中华概念、中华话语、读懂中国与世界、中国与中华比较视野、中国社会科学全球化、“三眼”转文化、中国城镇化研究和新锐与前沿。每套丛书包括学术著作、政策性研究、考察报告、人文社科普及性读物等不同形式的著述。《为和平徒步》一书有考察报考的性质,包括了300多幅彩照,有社会学专业训练的作者提供的大量的图片说明,体现了视觉社会学和视觉人类学的方法。“伯明翰印象记”一文也具有一定的全球和比较视野及许多照片。环球世界出版社期待在“三只眼转文化系列丛书”中增加一本新书《近代英国现代化及其全球发展经验考察录》(讨论书名),此文可作为其中的一篇。