The 4th Global China Dialogue (GCD IV), with the theme ’Belt and Road (B&R) – Transcultural cooperation for shared goals’, was held at the British Academy, on 2 December 2017.
The GCD IV developed the theme and theory of the GCD II, ‘transculturality and new global governance’, using ‘The Belt and Road’ as an example of a possible implementation of transcultural cooperation with shared goals. The GCD IV explored four issues:
- Panel I How the B&R connects different civilizations and cultures
- Panel II How people-to-people bonding operates through transcultural practice
- Panel III What are the theoretical and legal bases of the B&R?
- Panel IV Panel IV How the media can help to promote the B&R as a Chinese contribution to the human community
The GCD VI also included the following pre- and post-dialogue events:
- pre-GCD IV forum: Globalization of Chinese Social Sciences
- post-GCD IV workshop: Chinese for Social Science (CSS)
Note: The photo highlights and the Proceedings will be available in due course.
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Programme: the 4th Global China Dialogue (GCD IV), 30 November – 2 December, 2017
The GCD IV Programme is available in three formats: English and Chinese versions, and a dual-language version. Click the button below to download English version.
Click the button below to download a dual-language version. 点击下面的按钮下载英汉双语版。

Basic Info: GCD IV – The Belt and Road (B&R) – Transcultural Cooperation for Shared Goals
基本信息:第一届全球中国对话主题—— 一带一路: 为了共同目标的转文化合作
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Photo Highlights: the 4th Global China Dialogue Forum
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Photo Highlights: Launching new publications by Global Century Press at the GCD IV
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Photo Highlights: the 4th Global China Dialogue Reception
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