GCA People

Professor Shigeto Sonoda FGCA
Founding Fellow of Global China Academy
Professor Shigeto Sonoda 園田茂人教授 FGCA is Professor of comparative sociology and Asian studies at the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia (IASA), the University of Tokyo. He has been serving as co-director of the Beijing Center for Japanese Studies at Beijing Foreign Studies University in China since 2018, as well as chair of Toyota Foundation’s International Grant Program since 2019.
His major publications include Social Inequality in Contemporary China (Chuo Koron, 2008) and National Sentiments in Asia (Chuo Koron, 2020) as well as the edited volumes of A History of Japan–China Relations, 1972–2012 III and IV (University of Tokyo Press, 2012, 2014), China Impact (with David S. G. Goodman, University of Tokyo Press, 2018), and Global Views of China (with Yu Xie, University of Tokyo Press, 2021).
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