independent worldwide fellowship

GCA events or GCA Fellows.

GCA events or GCA Fellows.

independent worldwide fellowship

GCA events or GCA Fellows.

GCA events or GCA Fellows.

GCA events or GCA Fellows.

GCA events or GCA Fellows.

independent worldwide fellowship

GCA events or GCA Fellows.

GCA events or GCA Fellows.

independent worldwide fellowship

GCA events or GCA Fellows.

GCA events or GCA Fellows.
GCA News & Blog
GCA news, including updates from the Global China Academy, the Global China Dialogue, and the Global Century Press.
GCA Fellowship
GCA Fellowship consists of distinguished scholars and academics as Individual Fellows and outstanding organizations as Institutional Fellows.
GCP Academic Journals and Periodicals
Global Century Press produces three unique academic journals and a periodical in a professional manner and with world class quality.

GCP Book Series
Global Century Press publishes eight book series with themes that demonstrate our academic and social missions.

Global China Dialogues
The Global China Dialogue series of forums provides a high-end platform for facilitating communication and the exchange of ideas between Chinese and non-Chinese individuals.
GCA Governance
Global China Academy’s governance consists of a Board of Trustees and a Council.
GCA Thinktank
Based on our missions, the Global China Academy serves as an academic ‘think tank’ by offering social consultancy, hosting events, and developing training programmes for global political and business leaders. One of its innovative initiatives is the Global China Dialogue series of forums.
Developing cutting edge interdisciplinary studies of China in global and comparative perspectives, and contributing to the sum of human knowledge.
Enhancing the understanding of and enlightenment between peoples in China and the rest of the world through research, publications and events in China and outside China, using advanced methodologies and an English and Chinese dual language approach.
Providing social consultancy and engaging with political, economic, cultural and other professionals, based on knowledge of China, the Chinese, and studies of China in global and comparative perspectives, with the purpose of participating in the building and governance of a sustainable global society.
The Global China Dialogue series of forums aims to enhance the understanding of current global affairs and common interests through public dialogue and discussion between Chinese and non-Chinese academics, experts, professionals and practitioners and interested laypeople, using interdisciplinary and comparative perspectives.
GCA Centres
The Global China Academy Centre, also known as the Fellows’ Home, is situated in Northwest London. It sits just inside the green belt that encircles London, houses a library with over 6,000 books, and has several bedrooms with en-suite facilities.

Contact us
We are always ready to help. Please complete the website form, send an email, or write to us.
Centre Address
32 Hankins Lane, London NW7 3AG, UK
Postal Address
GCA c/o UVIC, 23 Austin Friars, London EC2N 2QP, UK