GCA People

Professor Xiangqun Chang FRSA FGCA
Founding Fellow of Global China Academy
Professor Xiangqun Chang 常向群教授 FRSA, FGCA and President of the Global China Academy (GCA), a UK-based independent worldwide fellowship that promotes comprehensive studies on China in the social sciences and humanities. Over the years, she has held honorary, part-time, or visiting professorships, as well as senior research fellow positions, at various universities in both the UK and China. These include University College London, SOAS University of London, the University of Westminster, the London School of Economics and Political Science, and City, University of London, as well as Nankai University, Jilin University, Peking University, Renmin University of China, Fudan University, Sun Yat-sen University, and Northeastern University, among others. Her academic publications amount to over three million words in both English and Chinese, including Guanxi or Li Shang Wanglai?: Reciprocity, Social Support Networks and Social Creativity in a Chinese Village (Chinese, 2009; English, 2010). She has also served as the Editor-in-Chief of Global Century Press. She is the editor of the Journal of China in Global and Comparative Perspectives, Global China Dialogue Proceedings and several book series, including ‘Concepts of China,’ ‘Globalization of Chinese Social Sciences,’ ‘China and Chinese Comparative Studies,’ ‘Transcultural Experiences with “Three Eyes”’ ‘Cutting Edge and Frontiers’. Additionally, she is responsible for the bilingual (Chinese-English) publication of four academic journals and eight book series.
She remains the only Chinese sociologist with formal sociological training in both China and the UK who has been continuously engaged in academic work in the UK since arriving as a visiting scholar in 1991. To this day, she remains the only Chinese sociologist working long-term in the UK who has received formal sociological training in both China and the UK. Drawing on her extensive ethnographic research in a Chinese village, conducted with longitudinal comparisons, she developed the analytical concept of ‘recipropriety’ (lishang-wanglai 互适)—an adaptation of the classical and popular Chinese concept of li shang wanglai (礼尚往来). This concept explains the mechanisms by which Chinese society and social relations operate, contributing to existing theories on reciprocity, relatedness, social exchange, social creativity, social interaction, social networks, social capital, and transculturality, incorporating the notion of ‘ritual capital’ (礼仪资本) for a deeper understanding of and governance in global society. In recognition of her contributions, she was selected by the Academic Presidents of the International Sociological Association (ISA) as one of 15 sociologists worldwide who were ‘called upon to adapt the discipline to the upheavals of the twenty-first century’ (Practicing Social Science: Sociologists and Their Craft, by Devorah Kalekin-Fishman, Routledge, 2017).
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