
全球中国学术院 : 简介
- 我们的子公司环球世纪出版社(英国公司注册号: 08892970) 是首家致力于独立出版英汉双语的社会科学与人文学科学术和大众书籍及期刊,并注重全球和比较视野下中国相关内容的出版社。
- 全球中国对话系列论坛是一个促进中国与世界其他地区之间交流的高端话语平台。
全球中国学术院的前身是全球中国比较研究会(成立于2013年,英国公益机构注册号:1154640)。2018年,该机构更名为全球中国学术院,并于2021年注册为英国公益有限责任机构(CIO,注册号:1198983),同时改制为院士制机构。其治理结构基于信托人委员会(信托会)责任制,设有主席 (叶玛丽 Maria H.A. Jaschok)、秘书、财务长和委员等职位。他们负责根据公益慈善法和本院章程运营组织,并承担对组织的战略监督责任,包括在发生任何风险时采取适当行动等。
- 主席: 托尼·麦肯勒里教授(英国兰卡斯特大学)
- 中方主席: 邴正教授(中国吉林大学)
- 非执行主席: 李嵬教授(英国伦敦大学学院)
- 中方非执行主席: 张晓东教授(中国敏捷智库总裁)
- 院长: 常向群教授 (英国全球中国学术院)
- 中方院长: 谢立中教授(中国北京大学)
- 副院长: 彼得·施罗德教授(院士事务,英国伦敦大学学院)
- 副院长: 曹青教授(出版事务,英国杜伦大学)
- 副院长: 園田茂人教授(亚洲事务,日本东京大学)
- 副院长: 何梦笔教授,副院长(欧洲事务,德国艾尔福特大学)
- 秘书: 吴燕博士(英国斯旺西大学)
- 中方秘书: 李伯一教授(中国南京财经大学)
- 行政团队包括法律顾问、活动主管、行政经理、项目经理和运营经理。
- 创院及前荣誉院长(2013–2021), 马丁·阿尔布劳院士。
- 创院及前中方院长(2013–2017), 张乐天教授。
全球中国学术院 院士
- 创始院士和终身院士是在2021年全球中国学术院创立时由全球中国学术院的创始名誉主席(英国和中国)、主席(英国和中国)和信托会授予的。
- 院士是杰出的学者、知识分子、专家和专业人士,他们的专业知识为全球中国学术院提供了最佳发展的指导和建议。他们还为环球世纪出版社和全球中国对话系列论坛做出了贡献。
- 副院士通常是早期至中期的学者、知识分子、专家和专业人士,他们在各自的领域表现出潜力,但还没有取得院士那样的显著的成就。他们经常参与相关的学术研究、为出版物做出贡献、也参与对话论坛。
- 院士单位是与我们共享学术和社会使命并支持全球中国学术院、环球世纪出版社和全球中国对话系列论坛工作的单位。
- 在社会科学和人文学科领域,通过全球或比较视野对理解或促进有关中国和与中国相关的研究作出了重大贡献者。
- 积极参与“转文化”的研究、对话与实践,并参与全球社会的治理者。
- 在上述领域显示出领导力、创新力和影响力者。
- 表现出分享全球中国学术院的价值观及其伦理道德观者。
- 21岁以上居住在英国或海外者。
- 通过研究、教学、培训、专业工作、出版或其他类似工作,展示了对从全球或比较的视角理解或促进有关中国的社会科学和人文学科研究的兴趣者。
- 尽管他们在各自的领域内在上述方面展示了潜力,但尚未取得显著的成就,尚不具备授予院士荣誉者。
- 与全球中国学术院共享学术和社会使命的机构。
- 支持全球中国学术院、环球世纪出版社和全球中国对话系列论坛工作的机构。
请访问网站www.globalchinaacademy.org/gca-fellowship 进一步了解以下信息:
- 2025 GCD X: 全球教育治理
- 2024 GCD IX: 全球治理与人工智能
- 2023 GCD VIII: 全球健康治理
- 2021 GCD VII: 全球治理改革
- 2019 GCD VI: 世界和平治理
- 2018 GCD V: 全球正义治理
- 2017 GCD IV: 一带一路——为了共同目标的转文化合作
- 2016 GCD III: 可持续性与全球气候治理
- 2015 GCD II: 转文化与新型全球治理
- 2014 GCD I: 中国现代化进程的经验教训与其它发展中国家和地区之比较
Other events
- 2020 A Symposium on China’s Development Path in the New Era from Multiple Perspectives
- 2019 全球中国媒体系列讲座 (2016–19年, 英国)
- 2018 中国及中国比较研究学术出版与知识服务大会
- 2018 数字互联和智造及全球社会变迁和文化转型
- 2017 Chinese for Social Science (CSS) Workshop
- 2017 中国社会科学全球化学术研讨会
- 2017 中外传媒比较研究国际学术会议
- 2017 转文化合作与社科研究及方法论系列论坛(2015-18,中国)
- 2016 语料库与中国社科研究工作坊
- 2014 中英文化战略合作与务实实践研讨会
- 2013 “马克斯·韦伯与中国”国际大会
- 2013 金砖国家新移民如何参与型塑全球社会?
环球世纪出版社(GCP, 曾用名为全球中国出版社,英国公司注册号: 08892970), 成立于2014年,是首家致力于独立出版英汉双语的社会科学与人文学科学术和大众书籍及期刊,并注重全球和比较视野下中国相关内容的出版社。
环球世纪出版社出版的范围广泛,如学术期刊,会议或基于主题的论文集,研究专著,丛书,社科汉语教材以及工具书(彩印为主)。出版的形式多样,如印刷版、电子版、音像,网络及其移动网络版。 作为全球中国学院的子公司,本社的双语出版物服务于全球传播相关学术研究、知识传递和公共教育的目的。
- 社长:英格丽德·克兰菲尔德
- 总编: 常向群
- 专业团队 由学术顾问、高级副主编、编辑、校对员、译者、平面设计师、排版师、图书管理员、网站工程师等组成。
- 《全球中国比较研究》(JCGCP)(年刊) 本刊创刊于2015年,发表原创的多学科和跨学科有全球视野的或关于中国的比较研究,涵盖社会科学和人文科学的广泛主题。除了纯学术内容,本刊也吸引对中国感兴趣的政策制定者和普通读者,旨在以创新的方式超越传统的学术界限,展现最优秀的学术成果。
- 《社科汉语研究》(双年刊)本刊正式创刊于2021年,研究在学术背景下使用中文的情况,强调了精确翻译和中文社会科学跨语言研究中出现的问题的重要性。最大程度地减少跨文化研究中与翻译相关的风险,并加强了不同语言、文化和社群之间的对话。本刊力图准确翻译的承诺构成了有效的跨文化沟通的基础,确保语境的清晰性,并
有助于全球社会科学知识和观点的交流。 - 《语料库与中国社科研究》(JCACSS) (年刊,中文和英文版交替出版)本刊创刊于2019年,得到兰卡斯特大学ESRC社会科学语料库方法中心的创始主任托尼·麦克内里教授指导和国内外同行的支持。本期刊向中国社会科学领域引入创新的语料库方法。在大数据和全球数字复杂性的背景下,对该领域的挑战提供了一个发表相关研究学术交流的平台。
- 《全球中国对话系列文集》(GCDP) 全球中国对话论坛旨在通过公开对话和讨论,利用转文化、跨学科和比较视野,增进对当前全球事务和共同利益的理解。《全球中国对话文集》的每一期都包括主持人和发言人的信息、主题和摘要,以及演讲和问答环节的内容。它还包括关于专题讨论、参与者、讨论和交流的照片。希望这种图文结合可以为感兴趣的读者保留动态对话,无论他们是否参加了论坛。
- 中华概念系列旨在用独特的中国元素丰富西方社会科学概念。通过重新审视如“bao”(互),“mianzi”(面子)和“guanxi”(互惠或恭敬的关系)等术语,将来自不同文化的成果融入传统的社会科学学科,增强世界的知识体系。
- 中华话语系列涵盖了围绕中国历史、文化、时事、语言和人民的话语研究。它主张一种跨学科、多视角、多方法的知识与中国文化相融合,并具有全球视野,桥接中国与世界其他地区之间的鸿沟,并为外界了解中国打开了一扇窗户。
- 读懂中国与世界 系列源起于一个题为“理解中国,与中国人沟通”的纪念费孝通诞辰100周年而举行的学术活动。旨在深入探讨中国和世界,并给予全面理解和合理解释,呼应了活动中的多维视角。
- 中国与中华比较视 系列拓展了《全球中国比较研究》期刊的范畴,在全球背景下探讨中国的思想、人民、文明、文化和语言等的比较研究。
- 中国社会科学全球化系列旨在全球范围内推广杰出的中国社会科学著述,涵盖国内外社会科学家近一个世纪的努力。
- “三只眼”转文化 系列通过作为转文化交流和相互理解领域的桥梁,作者检验他们对中国文化、非中国文化以及作为专业人士和从业者的专业和领域的理解。这种“三重视角”描述并解释了他们在中国和国外
的日常生活和工作中不同文化和观念之间的碰撞与融汇合。 - 中国城镇化研究系列探讨中国人口城镇化的延迟,强调了农民工和城市居民之间的差异,探讨中国如何致力于用可持续的、以人为本的政
策解决这些问题。 - 新锐与前沿系列通过探究各个领域的前沿研究和发展,为读者提供了一个了解和探讨全球最先进社科和人文话题的平台。

A Decade of Achievement: Associate Member of the Academy of Social Sciences Since 2014
After celebrating the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Global China Academy (formerly CCPN Global and Global China Institute, 2013–2023), we have entered phase 2.0 starting in 2024. This also marks the 10th anniversary of becoming an Associate Member of the Academy of Social Sciences in 2014. We have updated brochures available in either A4 portrait or A5 landscape sizes in both English and Chinese. They include the following information:
Global China Academy: An Introduction
About Global China academy
Global China Academy (GCA) is a UK-based independent worldwide fellowship that encourages comprehensive studies on China in the social sciences and humanities. Taking language-based global or comparative perspectives, it aims to add to the sum of human knowledge. It also encourages participation in global society building and governance. All of this is achieved through the dissemination of academic research, knowledge transfer, social consultancy and public engagement.
- Our publishing subsidiary, Global Century Press (GCP, UK Company No.: 08892970) is the first independent publisher dedicated to publishing academic and popular books and journals bilingually in the social sciences and humanities, with a focus on China from global and comparative perspectives.
- The Global China Dialogue (GCD) series is a high-end discourse platform facilitating communication between the Chinese and the rest of the world.
Board of Trustees
GCA was formerly known as CCPN Global, founded in 2013 (Charity No. 1154640), and later as the Global China Academy (GCA). As a UK Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO, Charity No. 1198983), GCA is governed by a Board of Trustees consisting of the Chair (Maria Jaschok), Secretary, Treasurer, and members, who are responsible for running the organisation in accordance with charity law and our constitution. They also provide strategic oversight of the organisation, including taking the lead in implementing appropriate actions if any risks should occur.
GCA Council
The GCA Council is composed of prominent individuals who have a keen interest in the study of China and the Chinese in a global context. The Council plays a vital role in advising and guiding the Academy’s development and beyond. It is active in a range of other ways, including the recruitment of new Fellows, contribution of articles to our journals, recommendation and submission of books for publication by Global Century Press, recommendation of themes and speakers for our Global China Dialogues, and in raising the Academy’s profile around the world.
- Council Chair Prof Tony McEnery FAcSS FRSA FGCA, Lancaster University, UK
- Chinese Council Chair: Prof BING Zheng FGCA, Jilin University,
China - Non-Executive Chair, Prof Wei Li FBA FAcSS FRSA FGCA, IOE of University College London, UK
- Chinese Non-Executive Chair, Prof ZHANG Xiaodong FGCA, CEO of Agile Think Tank and Nanjing University of Finance & Economics, China
- President: Prof Xiangqun Chang FRSA FGCA, Global China Academy, UK
- Chinese President: Prof XIE Lizhong FGCA, Peking Uinversity, China
- Vice-President (Fellowship), Prof Peter Schröder, University College London, UK
- Vice-President (Publications), Prof Qing Cao, Durham University, UK
- Vice-President (Asian engagement), Prof Shigeto Sonoda, University of Tokyo, Japan
- Vice-President (European engagement), Prof Carsten Herrmann-Pillath, Erfurt University, Germany
- Secretary (UK): Dr Yan Wu, Swansea University, UK
- Secretary (China): Prof. LI Boyi, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, China
- The administrative team consists of the Legal Advisor, Events Officer, Administrative Manager, Project Manager, and Operations Manager.
- Founding and Past Honorary President (2013–2021): Prof. Martin Albrow FAcSS.
- Founding and Past Chinese President (2013–2017): Prof. ZHANG Letian.
Global China Academy Fellowship
Types of fellowship
- Founding Fellows and Life Fellows were granted by Global China Academy’s founding Honorary Presidents (UK and China), Presidents (UK and China), and the Board of Trustees at the founding of the Global China Academy in 2021.
- Full Fellows are distinguished scholars, academics and professionals whose expertise and knowledge provide GCA with access to the best possible advice and guidance. They also contribute to the publications of Global Century Press and the Global China Dialogue series of forums.
- Associate Fellows are typically early to mid-career scholars, academics and professionals who have demonstrated potential in their field but may not yet have the extensive accomplishments or tenure of a Full Fellow. They often collaborate on research projects, contribute to publications and may participate in dialogues or forums.
- Institutional Fellows are organizations that share our academic and social missions and support the work of Global China Academy, Global Century Press and the Global China Dialogue series forums.
Eligibility criteria
Full Fellowship
- Has made a significant contribution to advancing the understanding or promotion of studies on China and the Chinese with global or comparative perspectives in the social sciences and humanities.
- Has an established track record of participating in transcultural initiatives, fostering dialogue and engaging with the governance of global society.
- Has shown leadership, innovation and influence in the above-named fields.
- Has clearly demonstrated ethical and moral integrity that aligns with the values of the GCA.
Associate Fellowship
- Aged 21 or over, and based in the UK or overseas.
- Has demonstrated an interest in the understanding or promotion of studies on China and the Chinese with global or comparative perspectives in the social sciences and humanities through research, teaching, training, professional work, publications or other similar work.
- Has demonstrated potential in their field, although they may not yet have attained extensive accomplishments and hence are not ready for Full Fellowship.
Institutional Fellowship
- The institution shares Global China Academy’s academic and social missions.
- The institution supports the work of Global China Academy, Global Century Press and the Global China Dialogues.
How to Apply
Before submitting a proposal please download the following information from the webpage https://globalchinaacademy.org/fellow-ship-nominations:
More Information
Please visit www.globalchinaacademy.org/gca-fellowship for more information:
- Fellowship Lists
- Fellowship Benefits and Obligations (English and Chinese)
- Fellowship Subscriptions
- Support us
Global China Dialogue and Other events
About the Global China dialogues
The annual Global China Dialogue (GCD) forum is a core event held by Global China Academy in collaboration with various organisations. The GCD is a high-end forum that focuses on ‘transculturality’ and social creativity. Our aim is to enhance public understanding of current global affairs and common interests. We do this via public dialogue and discussion between Chinese and non-Chinese academics, political and business leaders, experts, professionals, practitioners and interested laypeople. Our approach is interdisciplinary and comparative.
Based on GCDs rules of ‘civilized dialogue’, we encourage both sides to listen to the other, understand cultural differences, respect local customs, accept different perspectives and acknowledge the common humanity. In particular, it explores new global governance, encompassing national governments, international organizations, multinational companies, NGOs and citizens, with a mission to build a harmonious, symbiosis-based human community of a shared future.
Past and future dialogues as are follows:
- 2025 GCD X: Governance for Global Education
- 2024 GCD IX: Global Governance for AI
- 2023 GCD VIII: Governance for Global Health
- 2021 GCD VII: Reforming Global Governance
- 2019 GCD VI: Governance for World Peace
- 2018 GCD V: Governance for Global Justice
- 2017 GCD IV: The Belt and Road (B&R) – Transcultural Cooperation for Shared Goals
- 2016 GCD III: Sustainability and Global Governance for Climate Change
- 2015 GCD II: Transculturality and New Global Governance
- 2014 GCD I: The Experience of China’s Modernization from a Comparative Perspective
Other events
Global China Academy organizes and participates in activities relating to China in comparative perspective and social sciences and humanities studies on China, and in activities of a different nature that chime with its academic and social missions.
- 2020 A Symposium on China’s Development Path in the New Era from Multiple Perspectives
- 2019 Global China Media Seminar series (2016–19, UK)
- 2018 Academic Publishing and Knowledge Service Conference
- 2018 Digital Interconnection and Intelligent Manufacturing: Social Change and Cultural Transformation in Global Society
- 2017 Chinese for Social Science (CSS) Workshop
- 2017 Globalization of Chinese Social Sciences Symposium
- 2017 Global China Media in Comparative Perspective Symposium
- 2017 Forum Series on Transcultural Cooperation and New Methodologies for Social Sciences
- 2016 Corpus Approaches to Chinese Social Science (CACSS) Workshop
- 2014 A symposium on China-British Cultural Exchange: Strategic Cooperation and Practical Implementation
- 2013 Max Weber and China conference
- 2013 How do Migrants from the BRICS Countries Participate in Shaping the Global Society?
Global Century Press
About Global Century Press
Founded in 2014, Global Century Press (GCP, UK Company No.: 08892970) is the first independent publisher dedicated to publishing academic and popular books and journals bilingually in the social sciences and humanities, with a focus on China from global and comparative perspectives.
GCP publishes a range of publications, from academic journals, edit ed volumes, selected conference papers and theme-based articles, to research monographs, book series, teaching and learning materials on Chinese for social sciences and reference books, printed mostly in colour. Works are published in various forms, such as print, electronic versions, video, audio, on the internet and the mobile internet. A subsidiary company of the Global China Academy, GCP’s bilingual publications serve the purposes of disseminating related academic research, knowledge transfer and public education globally.
Open access journals and books
Under its open access model, GCP makes 80 percent of its journal and book content freely available to the public, promoting academic exchange and knowledge sharing. This means that readers can freely access and download certain articles or portions of the journal’s content, without any payment or subscription required. At the same time, GCP also offers a subscription model, providing readers who need it with wider access and services. Through subscription, readers can gain access to the full content of the journal, special features or additional resources, as well as other benefits exclusive to subscribers.
House Style Guide
GCP House Style Guide can be downloaded in our website. It is designed to take our contributors’ work from initial manuscript to final publication with a minimum of fuss. Our style broadly follows APA 7th edition but has evolved over time through our growing experience of dual language editing and typesetting.
Dual languages
GCP is pioneering a unique approach to integrating English and Chinese in its publications. Its dual language styles and rules have been developed with both English and Chinese academics, graphic designers, editors and proofreaders. GCP applies this house style to all journals and books. GCP has DOI authorization. Any single article with a DOI number. Additional dual language information is displayed at the end of each book, a feature unique to GCP. Additional dual language information is displayed at the end of each book, a feature unique to GCP.
Publisher’s Professional Team
- President: Ingrid Cranfield
- Editor-in-Chief: Xiangqun Chang
- Professional Team consists of Academic Advisor, Senior Associate Editor, Editors, Proofreaders, Translators, Graphic Designers, Typesetters, Librarian, Website Engineers, etc.
Publication events
Please visit GCP website for publication-related events: https://globalcenturypress.com/events.
Global Century Press (GCP) publishes three cutting edge academic journals. They are Journal of China in Global and Comparative Perspectives (English and Chinese editions), Journal of Chinese for Social Science (Chinese edition), and Journal of Corpus Approaches to Chinese Social Science (Chinese and English editions). GCP also publishes the ‘Global China Dialogue Proceeding’ series in English and Chinese editions.
- Journal of China in Global and Comparative Perspectives (JCGCP). CGCP launched in 2015 (annually), publishes original multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary comparative research on China on a range of topics in the social and human sciences. Beyond purely academic content it appeals to policymakers and general readers interested in China. Its aim is to bring out the best in scholarship, transcending traditional academic boundaries in an innovative manner.
- Journal of Chinese for social science (JCSS). JCSS formally launched in 2021 (biennially), Formally launched in 2021, JCSS scrutinizes the utilization of the Chinese language in academic contexts, emphasizing the crucial role of precise translation and the issues arising from cross-lingual research in Chinese social sciences. It minimizes risks related to translation in cross-cultural research, and enhances dialogue among various languages, cultures, and communities. JCSS’s commitment to accurate translation forms the backbone of effective intercultural communication, ensuring contextual clarity and contributing to the global exchange of social science knowledge and ideas.
- Journal of Corpus Approaches to Chinese Social Sciences (JCAC SS) launched in 2019 (annually in Chinese and English alternatively), is guided by the founding Director of the ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Sciences at Lancaster University, Professor Tony McEnery, and supported by colleagues both domestically and abroad. It introduces innovative corpus methods to the Chinese social sciences field. It addresses challenges in this domain, offers a platform for academic exchange, and publishes pertinent research in the context of big data and the complexities of the global digital age.
- Global China dialogue Proceedings. The Global China Dialogue forums aim to enhance the understanding of current global affairs and common interests through public dialogue and discussion, using interdisciplinary and comparative perspectives. Each issue of the Global China Dialogue Proceedings includes information on the chairs and speakers, topics and abstracts, and content of speeches and Q&A sessions. It also includes photos of the panels, participants, discussions, and networking. It is hoped that this combination of images and text can preserve the dynamic dialogue for interested readers whether or not they participated in the forums.
Book sciences
GCP publishes eight book series on specific themes. They are:
- Chinese Concepts aims to infuse Western social science concepts with uniquely Chinese elements. By revisiting terms such as ‘bao’ (reciprocation), ‘mianzi’ (face), and ‘guanxi’ (reciprocity or deferential relationship), the series enhances the world’s knowledge system by incorporating diverse cultural insights into traditional social science disciplines.
- Chinese Discourse covers discourse studies around Chinese history, culture, current affairs, language and people. It advocates an interdisciplinary, multi-perspective, multi-method knowledge merged with Chinese culture and possessing a global outlook, which bridges the gap between China and the rest of the world and opens a window for the outside world to understand China.
- Understanding China and the World was inspired by a significant 2010 event, ‘Understanding China, Engaging with Chinese People’, commemorating the centenary of renowned sociologist Fei Xiaotong’s birth. The series delves into comprehensive understanding and rational interpretations of China and the world, echoing the multi-dimensional insights from the event.
- China and Chinese in Comparative Perspectives expands the aims of Journal of China in Global and Comparative Perspectives to include Chinese ways of thinking, Chinese people, civilization, and culture, and contrasts between China and elsewhere, Chinese people and non-Chinese people, Chinese perspectives of the world, and non-Chinese perspectives of China globally.
- Globalization of Chinese Social Sciences aims to globally promote prominent Chinese social scientific works and a century’s efforts by social scientists both inside and outside China.
- Transcultural Experiences with ‘Three Eyes’ acts as a bridge in the areas of cross-border cultural communication and mutual understanding. Authors examine their understanding of Chinese culture, non-Chinese cultures, and their specialties and sectors as professionals and practitioners. This ‘triple perspective’ describes and explains the collision and confluence between different cultures and notions they experience in their everyday lives and work in China and abroad.
- China Urbanization studies explores the delay in people’s urbanization in China, highlighting the disparity between migrant workers and urban residents. It underscores China’s commitment to addressing these issues with sustainable, people-oriented policies.
- Cutting Edge and Frontiers provides a platform for readers to explore and understand the forefront of research and development across various fields, offering insights into the most advanced social scientific topics globally.