The Global China Academy (GCA) proudly celebrated its 10th anniversary in conjunction with the conclusion of the 8th Global China Dialogue. This significant milestone was marked by a series of events held at prestigious venues, including the British Academy and UK Parliament, on December 8, 2023.
This year’s celebration was not just a reflection on the past decade’s achievements but also a forward-looking gathering that set the stage for future intellectual exchange and collaboration. The event brought together scholars, experts, and thought leaders from around the world, facilitating insightful discussions on global health governance and related themes.
Highlights of the Anniversary Celebrations:
- The evening commenced with a reception celebrating the launch of new websites for the Global China Academy and Global Century Press. This digital expansion represents GCA’s commitment to accessible and global knowledge dissemination.
- The dinner was a blend of celebration, recognition, and intellectual discourse. Notable speeches were delivered by key figures, including Professor Martin Albrow, Professor Tony McEnery and Professor Robin Cohen, reflecting on GCA’s journey and its pivotal role in fostering global dialogue and building global society.
- The event also recognized the contributions of various scholars to the field of China studies and global exchange. Certificates were awarded to GCA Fellows, Associate Fellows institutional Fellows, acknowledging their significant academic achievements and contributions.
- The celebration included virtual contributions from GCA Fellows and speakers who couldn’t attend in person, highlighting the Academy’s widespread influence and connections.
Over the past decade, the Global China Academy has established itself as a leading institution in promoting scholarly research and dialogue on China and its global interactions. Its conferences, publications, and academic collaborations have significantly contributed to the understanding of China’s role in the world.
As the Academy steps into its second decade, it continues to uphold its mission of fostering intellectual exchanges, promoting diverse perspectives, and contributing to global understanding and cooperation.
The ‘Photo Report’ below contains about 1,500 words and 70 photos, and includes links for viewing or downloading related speech notes and greeting texts or video transcriptions.
Photo report: Reception and Dinner to Celebrate the Conclusion of GCD8 and the GCA’s 10th Anniversary, 19:00-22:30, 8 December 2023 at the House of Lords, the UK Parliament
Reception: 19:00-19:30 Drinks and networking
Reception: 19:30-19:50 Launch of two new websites for GCA and GCP
Chair: Professor Maria Jaschok 叶玛丽教授, Life Fellow of Global China Academy, Senior Research Associate of the Contemporary China Studies Programme in the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies, University of Oxford
Brief introduction to the two websites, by Professor Xiangqun Chang 常向群教授 FRSA FGCA and President of Global China Academy; Honorary Professor of University College London (2015-20); Distinguished Professor of Nankai University of China
Participants at the launch of the new websites
Dinner: celebrating the conclusion of the 8th Global China Dialogue and the 10th Anniversary of Global China Academy
Dinner: 20:10-20:25 (after starter) Speeches
Chair: Professor Elena Semino 埃琳娜·塞米诺教授 FAcSS FRSA, GCD Organizing Committee member, Director of the ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science, Lancaster University (left in photo)
- Professor Martin Albrow 马丁阿尔布劳教授, FAcSS, Founding and Past Honorary President of Global China Academy; Former President of the British Sociological Association (left in photo). Click to download speech notes in dual languages.
- Professor Tony McEnery 托尼麦肯尼教授, FAcSS FRSA FGCA and Chair of Global China Academy Council, Council Member of the Academy of Social Sciences, Distinguished Professor of English Language and Linguistics at Lancaster University (second left in photo). Click to download speech notes in dual languages.
- Dr QIAN Zhenhua 钱振华博士, Co-Chair of Global China Academy Council; Shanghai International Corporation Association of SMEs, China (second right in photo). Click to download speech notes in dual languages.
- Professor Robin Cohen 罗宾科恩教授, Life Fellow of Global China Academy; Emeritus Professor and Former Director of the International Migration Institute, University of Oxford (right in photo). Click to download speech notes in dual languages.
Dinner: 21:15-21:25 (after main course) Presentation of certificates
Chair: Presentation of certificates, Professor Tony McEnery 托尼·麦肯尼教授 (right in photo)
Presentation of certificates to GCA Individual Fellows
Presenter: Dr Frances Wood 吴芳思博士, Trustee of Global China Academy; former Curator of Chinese Collections at the British Library
GCA Fellows 院士 Recipients:
- Professor HOU Shiyuan 郝时远教授, Academician and former Associate President and former Director of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (absent, in China)
- Professor Nora Ann Colton 诺拉科尔顿教授, Director of the UCL Global Business School for Health (GBSH) (absent, in Manila)
- Professor LI Linxue 李麟学教授, Dean of the College of Arts and Media at Tongji University, China (left)
GCA Associate Fellows 准院士 Recipients:
- Professor QIAN Yufang 钱毓芳教授, Director of Institute of Corpus and Discourse Studies, School of Foreign Studies, Zhejiang Gongshang University, China; Editor of the Journal of Corpus Approaches to Chinese Social Sciences (centre)
- Dr Gavin Brookes 加文布鲁克斯博士, Reader in Linguistics and UKRI Future Leader Fellow with an interest in corpus linguistics, discourse analysis and health communication, Lancaster University, UK, Executive Editor of the Journal of Corpus Approaches to Chinese Social Sciences (right)
- Professor WANG Xin 王鑫教授, Head of Department of Communication, College of Arts and Media, Director of Research Centre for Chinese Discourse and Global Communication at Tongji University (absent, in China)
Presentation of certificates to GCA Institutional Fellows
Presenter: Professor Xiangqun Chang 常向群教授
GCA Institutional Fellows Recipients 院士单位:
- The UCL Global Business School for Health (GBSH), UK. Recipient: Professor Simcha Jong 辛查钟教授, GBSH representative (left)
- The ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science at Lancaster University, UK. Recipient: Professor Elena Semino 埃琳娜塞米诺教授, CASS representative (centre)
- The College of Arts and Media (CAM) at Tongji University, China. Recipient: Professor LI Linxue 李麟学教授, CAM representative (right)
Presentation of certificate to GCA Council member:
Presenter: Professor Tony McEnery 托尼·麦肯尼教授, Chair of Global China Academy Council
Recipient: Dr QIAN Zhenhua 钱振华博士, Co-Chair of Global China Academy Council
Dinner: 21:15-21:25 (after dessert) Greeting messages and videos
Chair: Professor Tony McEnery 托尼·麦肯尼教授, reading greeting messages and watching videos from absent GCA Fellows and GCD8 speakers (left)
Greeting messages were received from Professor KOMAI Hiroshi 駒井 洋教授 FGCA, a Japanese sociologist and Professor Emeritus at the University of Tsukuba and Shigakukan University, Japan; Professor Laurence Roulleau-Berger 罗兰教授, Life Fellow of Global China Academy, Emeritus Research Director at National Centre for Scientific Research (NCSR).
Videos with English and Chinese dual language subtitles:
Videos from absent GCA Fellows: Professor XIE Lizhong 谢立中教授, Founding Fellow and Chinese President of Global China Academy, Distinguished Chair Professor and former head of Department of Sociology of Peking University, China (top left); Professor Carsten Herrmann-Pillath 何梦笔教授, Founding Fellow and Vice-President of Global China Academy (European engagement), Permanent Fellow at the Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies, Erfurt University, Germany (top second left); Professor Shigeto Sonoda 園田茂人教授, Founding Fellow and Vice-President of Global China Academy (Asian engagement), Professor of Comparative Sociology and Asian Studies at the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo, Japan (top second right); Professor BING Zheng 邴正教授, Life Fellow of Global China Academy, former Executive Vice-President of Jilin University, former Vice-President of the Chinese Sociological Association, China (top right); Professor Prasenjit Duara 杜赞奇教授, Life Fellow of Global China Academy, Distinguished Professor of East Asian Studies, Duke University, USA (centre left); Professor Peter van der Veer 彼得·范德维尔教授, Life Fellow of Global China Academy, Emeritus Professor and former Director of the Study of Religious Diversity at the Max Planck Institute, Germany (centre second left); Professor GU Yueguo 顾曰国教授, Life Fellow of Global China Academy, Emeritus Research Professor of Linguistics in the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Former Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Beijing Foreign Studies University, China (centre right); Professor HOU Shiyuan 郝时远教授, Fellow of Global China Academy (2023), Academician and former Associate President and former Director of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (bottom left)
Videos from absent invited speakers:
Professor Lawrence Gostin 劳伦斯·戈斯汀教授, Founding O’Neill Chair in Global Health Law, Georgetown University
Professor Andrew Bastawrous 安德鲁·巴斯塔罗斯教授 OBE, International Centre for Eye Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Co-Founder & CEO – Peek Vision
Click here to view all the above texts or transcriptions.
Afterwards, Professor Martin Albrow and Dr Frances Wood expressed their heartfelt appreciation to Professor Xiangqun Chang for her dedication and hard work in ensuring the success of the 8th Global China Dialogue and the 10th Anniversary of the Global China Academy. As the event came to a close, participants gathered in groups, exchanging warm greetings and farewells and taking photos to capture the occasion.
The Global China Dialogue Organising Committee is pleased to share feedback from a participant, which underscores the impactful nature of our events and the wide-reaching benefits they offer to attendees from diverse professional backgrounds.
‘I wish to send my most heartfelt thanks to Professor Chang for the wonderful and most successful event yesterday. Although my expertise is in family law and not the health sector, I feel I have benefited so much by attending the event, listening to all the talks and the research and insight from the various speakers. They were all fantastic and their hard work behind the research is outstanding and so much appreciated.
I especially would like to thank Professor Chang for inviting my friend Qing Miao and me to the dinner at the House of Lords. It was not planned by us, but we were both delighted and felt privileged to have been there. The presentation of the certificates and the various speakers sending their messages and greetings from the UK and abroad were extremely moving and uplifting. It was a real encouragement that the good work which has been started must continue and the gain will in time benefit us all.
I wish the GCA every success in all you do and once again thank you so much for the opportunity to be included in the attendance yesterday.’ — Brenda Wong Robinson, Associate at Buckles Solicitors LLP
More information is available on the GCD8 website: https://globalchinaacademy.org/global-china-dialogue-8.
- Click here to visit Photo Highlights: Global China Dialogue VIII (2023), New Website Launches for Global China Academy and Global Century Press, and 10th Anniversary of Global China Academy
- Click here to visit Photo highlights: Reception including Drinks and Networking, and Launch of Two New Websites for Global China Academy and Global Century Press.
- Click here to visit Photo Highlights: Dinner to Celebrate the Conclusion of the 8th Global China Dialogue and the 10th Anniversary of the Global China Academy (Part I), Including Speeches, Presentation of Certificates.
- Clich here to visit Photo Highlights: Dinner to Celebrate the Conclusion of the 8th Global China Dialogue and the 10th Anniversary of the Global China Academy (Part II) Including Reading Messages and Playimng Video Greetings, and Videos from Absent Speakers of GCD8.
- Click here to visit the GCD 8 website for more.