GCA People

Professor Robin Cohen FGCA
Life Fellow of Global China Academy
Professor Robin Cohen 罗宾·科恩教授 FGCA was born in South Africa and has lived in Nigeria, Trinidad and the UK, where he is Emeritus Professor of Development Studies at the University of Oxford and Senior Research Fellow at Kellogg College. His initial work on labour movements in Africa was followed by research on the sociology and politics of developing areas, social identity, migration, transnationalism and globalization.
He is best known for being one of a small group of scholars who revived the ancient notion of diaspora in the 1990s and gave it fresh conceptual purchase. His books include Global Diasporas: An Introduction (2007); Global Sociology (with Paul Kennedy, 2013), Encountering Difference (with Olivia Sheringham, 2016) and Migration: The Movement of Humankind from Prehistory to the Present (2019). With Nicholas Van Hear, he has developed a utopian solution to mass displacement titled Refugia: Solving the Problem of Mass Displacement (2020).
A GCA Fellow’s Donation of Books Enriches the Global China Academy’s Library Collection
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