GCA People

Professor Peter van der Veer FGCA
Life Fellow of Global China Academy
Professor Peter van der Veer 彼得·范德维尔教授 FRNAAS FGCA is Emeritus Director of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious (2009 until 2021) and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen and Emeritus Distinguished University Professor at Utrecht University. He is an Academician of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. In China, he is an Adjunct Professor of Anthropology at Minzu University in Beijing and Member of the International Advisory Board of the Anthropology Department of Yunnan University. He is an anthropologist who specializes in comparative studies of Asian societies. He is a Life Fellow of Global China Academy, UK.
He is author of 《宗教民族主义:印度教徒与穆斯林在印度》(Zongjiao minzu zhuyi—yindu jiaotu yu musilin zai yindu, Translated from Religious Nationalism Hindus and Muslims in India, 2020/1994); The value of comparison (2016); 《亚洲的精神性. 印度与中国的灵性与世俗》(yazhou de jingshenxing. yindu yu zhongguo de lingxing yu shisu, Translated from The modern spirit of Asia: The spiritual and the secular in China and India, 2016/2013); The modern spirit of Asia: The spiritual and the secular in China and India (2013); Islam en het “beschaafde” Westen: essays over de “achterlijkheid” van religies (Islam and the ‘civilized’ West: essays about the ‘backwardness’ of religions, 2002); Imperial encounters. Religion and modernity in India and Britain (2001); Modern oriëntalisme. Essays over de westerse beschavingsdrang (Modern Orientalism. Essays on the Western urge for civilization, 1995); Religious nationalism: Hindus and muslims in India (1994); Gods on earth: the management of religious experience and identity in a North Indian pilgrimage centre (1988).
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