9 February 2024GCA Admin
Chinese New Year Greetings and Global China Academy Annual Report for 2023
Dear colleagues and friends,
As the Year of the Dragon 2024 ‘prowls’ forward, it is our pleasure to take this opportunity to update you on our situation and activities.
First, we would like to inform you that, at the end of 2023, we submitted our first annual return for the Global China Academy (GCA; CIO...
6 February 2024GCA Admin
GCA’s Two-Day Team Building: Blending Academic Insight with Cultural, Historic and Nature Discovery, February 2024
After the intensive preparations and the successful hosting of the 8th Global China Dialogue and the 10th anniversary celebration of the Global China Academy, we decided to schedule the team-building activities for early February 2024. Our team consists of the following members: Xiangqun Chang (GCA...
26 January 2024GCA Admin
9th Global China Dialogue: AI and Global Society: Building, Governance and Communication
The 9th Global China Dialogue (GCD IX), scheduled for November 29, 2024, at Tongji University, Shanghai. It is set to delve into the dynamic and rapidly evolving realm of artificial intelligence (AI) under the theme ‘AI and Global Society: Building, Governance and Communication.’ This event aims to...
22 January 2024GCA Admin
Professor Zhao Kejin visits GCA with the last wish of LI Qiang, former Chinese chairman of the Global China Academy Council (20 Jan. 2024)
On January 5, 2024, Professor ZHAO Kejin, Deputy Dean of the School of Social Sciences at Tsinghua University, contacted me to inform me that he would be visiting the UK in two weeks, with a meeting scheduled for January 20. Coincidentally, Professor FANG Lili, Distinguished Chief Professor at Southeast...