Since the Global China Academy was renamed in 2019, following two years of preparation, it was established as the world’s only fellowship dedicated to China studies in 2021. The Academy adopted a three-pronged structure led by its fellowships, based on two platforms: publication and high-level discourse through dialogue forums. In 2022, it successfully transitioned to a Charitable Incorporated Organization (CIO), officially registered with the UK Charity Commission on May 27 of that year under registration number 1198983. This new registration replaced the previous names of CCPN Global, Global China Institute, and Global China Academy, which were initially registered on November 19, 2013, under registration number 1154640, closed on the 31st December, 2023).
Although the older charity has been deregistered and cease to exist, its legacy lives on. On this dedicated webpage, you will find a digital archive recording its history and activities over 10 years, a period marked by significant contributions to international understanding and the furtherance of our mission.
Transitioning to a CIO structure is more than just a change in registration for us. It represents a strategic shift towards a more robust and flexible framework. Our work continues unchanged under the new structure. This change enables us to expand our reach and enhance our impact in the fields of academia, education, social development, and cultural exchange.
Accounts and annual return reports
Screenshots of our previous Charity (number 1154640) from UK Charity Commission website:
全球中国学术院(Global China Academy)自2019年更名以来,经过两年的筹备于2021年定位于全球唯一的与中国研究相关的院士制机构,形成了学术院的由院士引领的独立的学术阵地——出版社和高端的话语平台——对话论坛为基础的三足鼎立格局。2022年成功转型为一家慈善/公益法人组织(Charitable Incorporated Organization,CIO),其标志为该年5月27日在英国慈善委员会(UK Charity Commission)正式注册,注册号为1198983,取代了原名为全球中国比较研究会(CCPN Global)、全球中国研究院(Global China Institute)和全球中国学术院的慈善/公益机构,最初注册于2013年11月19日(注册号: 1154640,2023年12月31日关闭)。