The programme for this tour was drawn up according to my wishes and the invitations of all the institutions mentioned below, facilitated by advice and assistance from the Embassy of the PRC in London and the Global China Academy.
My accommodation and subsistence throughout the period was generously provided by the Tsinghua University School of Journalism and Communication at the Wenjin Hotel, Chengfu Road, Beijing, as was all transport in Beijing.
The daily co-ordination of my programme with the inviting institutions was conducted by Ms LI Chengzhang, Head of the International Office of the Tsinghua School of Journalism and Communication in conjunction with Professor Xiangqun Chang, President of the Global China Academy in London and Dr QIAN Zhenhua, Co-Chair of Global China Academy Council and President of Shanghai International Corporation Association of SMEs.
Day 1, Sunday 15 Oct. Arrival after a pleasant flight from London Heathrow airport on China Southern Airlines flight CZ 674 at Beijing Daxing airport at 3.25 pm to be met by LI Chengzhang and her assistant YU Ke. We were then driven to Wenjin Hotel for rest after the flight. Dinner at the Wenjin Hotel with Dr QIAN Zhenhua, Dr Yuan Cheng, Mr SUN Tiecheng, Mr ZHANG Jiuan, LI Chengzhang, and SONG Wuchen.
Day 2, Monday 16 Oct. 9.00-11.30. Visit to the China International Publications Group accompanied by Dr QIAN Zhenhua, Mr DU Yichao. Greeted by GAO Anming, the Deputy President of CIPG, YU Yunquan, Director of Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies, LI Yunkai, President of New World Press and staff, gave a short speech, signed my book for members of staff and joined a group photograph.
In the afternoon, gave a seminar on belt and road initiative and global governance, arranged by Global China Academy, School of Journalism and Communication at Tsinghua University and Shanghai International Corporation Association of SMEs.
Evening welcome from Dean ZHOu Qing’an of the School of Journalism and Communication at Tsinghua University and guest for dinner with him and Tsinghua Faculty members.
Day 3, Tuesday 17 Oct. Visit and presentation to Beijing Foreign Studies University, School of Journalism and Communication accompanied by former Director, Professor Zhang Xiaoying.
Day 4, Wednesday 18 Oct. Visit to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences to give a seminar presentation ‘The Rise and Present Prospects of Globalization Discourse’. Discussants REN Lin, Head of Department of Global Governance, DUAN Weiwen, Head of Department of Philosophy of Science and Technology, Institute of Philosophy.
Followed by lunch hosted by WANG Lei, Deputy Director of World Economics and Politics, CASS.
Day 5, Thursday 19 Oct. At the invitation of Professor WANG Yiwei, morning lecture at Renmin University, ‘The Decline of the West.’ By Accompanied by Dr Boyi Li of the LSE Fellow and Global China Academy Council member.
Afternoon and evening participation in Renmin University conference, ‘Dialogue between China and the World – 2nd International Forum on Chinese Modernization in Global Perspective. Keynote speech ‘Contribution of Chinese Modernization to World Development.
Evening dinner with Professor Wang and conference delegates.
Day 6. Friday 20 Oct. Roundtable discussion and Lecture to the students of Tsinghua University School of Journalism and Communication, ‘Towards a human community of a shared future’ followed by Q and A.
Private dinner at Wenjin Hotel with Ms Zhang Dailei, Xinhua News Agency.
Days 7 and 8. Weekend 21/22 Oct. Private visit to Professor Zhang’s country house with her mother, and Dr Ou Shaolin and husband.
22 Oct. Evening attendance at dinner at the Millennium Hotel hosted by Yang Wanming, President of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries.
Day 9. Monday 23 Oct. Millennium Hotel. Participation in roundtables at the 8th China Global Think Tank Innovation organized by the Centre for China and Globalization, Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, in partnership with China-West Dialogue, followed by evening reception. Meeting with Dr Colin Bradford of the China West Dialogue.
Day 10, Tuesday 24 Oct. Millennium Hotel. Attendance at the EU-China Think Tank Exchange Roundtables followed by evening reception. Interview with Xinhua News Agency
Private dinner at Millennium Hotel with Ms Ma Lei, Ministry of Culture, PRC.
Day 11, Wednesday 25 Oct. Depart for Daxing International Airport accompanied by Yu Ke. Flight China Southern Airlines, CZ 673. 11.55 am. Arrive London Heathrow, 15.45. A comfortable flight.
Beijing academic institutions, teachers, students and administrators engage with the best in the world and are working at the highest intensity to make their unique contribution. Most impressive was the impeccable planning of my programme even at the same time as the vast gathering for the tenth anniversary of the BRI was taking place.
To those who worked so hard and efficiently to make my visit to Beijing immensely instructive, enjoyable and worthwhile and especially to Ms LI Chengzhang (Tsinghua), Professor Xiangqun Chang (GCA), Dr QIAN Zhenhua, Professor WANG Yiwei (Renmin), Ann Tang (CCG), Professor ZHANG Xiaoying (Beiwai), Mark Lee and the officials of the Embassy of the PRC, London, Minister Counsellor Li Liyan and First Secretary Yu Guo. It was a great experience I shall always remember.
Thank you all!
Professor Martin Albrow FAcSS
Founding and Past Honorary President of Global China Academy
Former President of the British Sociological Association