On the afternoon of December 9th, 2023, the Global China Academy delegation visited the University of Cambridge and received a warm welcome. An emblem of the Global China Academy was displayed in front of a building and outside of the Warburton Hall. The featured photo in this news article showcases it.
The delegates included Professor Xiangqun Chang, President of the Global China Academy; Professor LI Linxue, Dean of the College of Arts and Media at Tongji University, China, and GCD8 speaker; Professor QIAN Yufang, Director of the Institute of Corpus and Discourse Studies at Zhejiang Gongshang University, China, and GCD8 speaker; Dr LIAO Nong, Chief Physician of the Department of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery at the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, China, and GCD8 speaker; Dr QAIN Zhenhua, Co-Chair of the Global China Academy Council; David Liu, GCA Domestic Manager and Manager of the Brocket Hall Club; Alan Fang, GCA Legal adviser; Katie Zheng, GCA Administrator Manager; SHA Yuze, PhD Candidate at Lancaster University and GCA volunteer; WANG Conghan, PhD student at Zhejiang Gongshang University and GCA volunteer; Ting Zhang, Founder and CEO of Crayfish.io Ltd., MENG Jialin and NAN Yuhang, GCA volunteers. The visit was arranged through GCA friend LI Li, Fellow of Lucy Cavendish College, University of Cambridge.
- 12:30 – 13:30 Visit King’s College – meet Dr Niamh Mulcahy (Bye- Fellow LCC and member of Kings College) and Dr Jane Greatorex (Senior Tutor LCC) at the Front Gate of Kings College. Guided tour to include the outside of the Chapel, Front Court, the Xu Zhimo Memorial Garden (https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/xu-zhimo-memorial-kings-college) and the Hall. We will walk to Lucy Cavendish College.
- 14:00 Arrival LCC. Meet the President, Prof Dame Madeleine Atkins, at Warburton Hall. Short presentation in the Reception Rooms in Warburton Hall about the College, its ambitions and the Library as the teaching hub. Tea, Coffee etc to be served.
- 14:45 – 15:30 Tour of Library & teaching spaces – Dr Greatorex to take guests round the library, reading rooms, Enterprise Hub, Zoom booth
- 15:30 Afternoon tea with LI Li at Marshall House
The GCA delegation, accompanied by Dr Mulcahy and Dr Greatorex, visited the Chapel, Front Court, the Hall, and the Xu Zhimo Memorial Garden at King’s College. It was a special treat to access the riverbank to take the group photo with the back view of King’s College (the bottom right photo).
The delegation noticed the post for the ‘Global China Academy’ outside the main building of Lucy Cavendish College and followed the arrow to enter the meeting room. Outside the room, the post featuring ‘Global China Academy’ was decorated with Christmas ornaments (top two photos). Printed handouts were placed on the chairs for each delegate. The image above is the cover of a presentation prepared for the GCA delegation about Lucy Cavendish College. Upon seeing the post and handouts with ‘Global China Academy’, we felt they treated GCA with respect and were filled with anticipation for the collaboration ahead. Click the image above to download the PDF file.
The top two photos showcase a presentation about Lucy Cavendish College by its President, Professor Dame Madeleine Atkins. The delegation participated in the presentation (middle photo). After presentation, Professor Xiangqun Chang presented the Global China Dialogue brochure to Professor Dame Atkins, highlighting the global vision and commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals written within, indicating that the Global China Academy (GCA) and Lucy Cavendish College (LLC) share common interests. She was particularly impressed by LLC’s dedication to creating future global leaders and innovators with entrepreneurial mindsets and a commitment to making a ‘positive impact’ on humankind and the planet. Along with Dr Qian Zhenhua, Professor Chang expressed their great appreciation with gifts to Professor Dame Atkins (bottom left photo). LI Li also presented her book as a gift to the President (bottom right).
After enjoying drinks and mince pies, a group photo was taken in the courtyard (top). Dr. Greatorex then guided us through the library, reading rooms, Enterprise Hub, and Zoom booth (second row of photos). Afterwards, we enjoyed afternoon tea with Li Li at Marshall House. The rest of the photos, except for the sketch of the tree, were drawn by Professor Li Linxue at the bottom right.
The visit of the Global China Academy delegation to the University of Cambridge on December 9th, 2023, received a warm welcome. The emblem of the Global China Academy was displayed during the visit, highlighting the importance of the occasion. Delegates participated in various activities and presentations, establishing the connections between the institutions. The visit fostered a relationship between the two entities and represented a significant step forward in academic collaboration. As the delegation bid farewell to Cambridge, the memories captured in photos and sketches will serve as lasting reminders of the productive exchange and shared goals for the future.
- Click here to view the photo report of the 8th Global China Dialogue, from which PPTs or speech notes can be downloaded.
- Click here to view the photo report of the Global China Academy’s 10th-anniversary celebration, from which speech notes can be downloaded.
- Click here to visit the GCD 8 Website.
- Click here to visit the GCA News section.