Dear colleagues and friends,
The Year of the Rat has been a year of institutional reform: Global China Press and Global China Institute (GCI) have become Global Century Press and Global China Academy (GCA), respectively. For reasons of efficiency, we are applying to convert the existing charity into a Foundation CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation). CCPN Global engages in work on China in comparative perspective, mainly via a global network and a peer-reviewed journal, for which it serves as a resource. The name of the journal, hitherto known as the Journal of China in Comparative Perspective (JCCP), is changing to Journal of China in Global and Comparative Perspectives (JCGCP), to reflect its widening scope.
Our 2019-2020 annual report discusses significant organizational changes, including renaming our press and journal to better reflect our global and comparative perspective. Our report underscores our dedication to Chinese studies within a global context, highlighting our academic and social projects, publications, and our role as a knowledge-based think tank. We also detail our active participation in global dialogues and our ongoing efforts to expand and enrich our global network.
Click HERE to download the PDF file.