GCA People

Professor Peter Schröder FGCA
Founding Fellow of Global China Academy
Professor Peter Schröder 彼得·施罗德教授 FGCA is Professor of History of Political Thought at University College London. He was awarded an MA (1995) and PhD (1999) from Philipps University Marburg, Germany, before he joined UCL in 2001. He was visiting professor at univer sities in Seoul, Rome and Paris and held numerous senior research fellowships, among others at the Max Weber Center for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies at the University of Erfurt, the Institute for Advanced Studies at Central European University Budapest and the Center for Advanced Studies of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts . He is an active member of the editorial board of the book series Staatsdiskurse at Steiner Verlag Stuttgart, of the European Society for the History of Political Thought and of the research network: Natural Law 1625-1850, An International Research Project.
He has published widely on the history of political thought. Recent publications include a monograph on Trust in Early Modern International Political Thought, 1598-1713 (Ideas in Context 116), Cambridge University Press 2017, as well as two edited volumes: German Translation and Edition of T. Hobbes, Behemoth or the Long Parliament (Meiner Verlag), Hamburg 2015 and German Translation and Edition of R. Filmer, Patriarcha (Meiner Verlag) Hamburg 2019.
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