New Co-Chair of GCA Council Meets with Professor Lord Anthony Giddens and GCA Trustees Respectively
11 December 2023GCA Admin
On the occasion of GCA Council’s Co-Chair Dr. Qian Zhenhua’s visit to the UK, in addition to participating in...

A Warm Welcome for Global China Academy Delegations at Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge
11 December 2023GCA Admin
On the afternoon of December 9th, 2023, the Global China Academy delegation visited the University of Cambridge and...

GCD8 Speakers and Participants Well Received by GCA Fellows at Oxford
11 December 2023GCA Admin
On the afternoon of December 8th, 2023, some speakers and volunteers of the 8th Global China Dialogue visited the...

A GCA Fellow’s Donation of Books Enriches the Global China Academy’s Library Collection
11 December 2023GCA Admin
In a generous contribution to the academic community, Professor Robin Cohen, a Life Fellow of the Global China Academy...

New Fellowships awarded in 2023
10 December 2023GCA Admin
At the dinner celebrating the conclusion of the 8th Global China Dialogue and the 10th Anniversary of the Global China...

Global China Academy Celebrates a Decade of Excellence and Intellectual Exchange
10 December 2023GCA Admin
The Global China Academy (GCA) proudly celebrated its 10th anniversary in conjunction with the conclusion of the 8th...