15 September 2024GCA Admin

A Decade of Achievement: Associate Member of the Academy of Social Sciences Since 2014
15 September 2024GCA Admin
After celebrating the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Global China Academy (formerly CCPN Global and Global China...

Global China Academy Invites Academic Visitors from Tsinghua and Four Other Universities to the UK (August 17-23, 2024)
29 August 2024GCA Admin
In early June 2024, Professor Zhao contacted me regarding two academic exchange programs: the first is a 22-day visit...

全球中国学术院邀请清华等四所高校学者访问英国 (2024年8月17-23日)
29 August 2024GCA Admin

GCA Fellows Participate in a Discussion on the Impact of AI on Work, Life, and Global Governance in University of Oxford (August 19, 2024)
28 August 2024GCA Admin
Background: Fulfilling the Legacy of Professor Li Qiang: Strengthening Academic Ties In order to fulfil the wish of the...

27 August 2024GCA Admin