Global China Academy (GCA), the UK-based independent worldwide fellowship institution, is not generally recognized in China by the Chinese academia and public. Clarifications on GCA’s position and status were made before the 9th Global China Dialogue was held in China, entitled ‘Perceptions of Academician and Fellowship Systems in China and the International Context, and Their Chinese Translations‘.
In spite of this, GCA Fellows, Associate Fellows, and Representative Fellows in China have been very supportive and actively participated in our events, either in China or in the UK. For instance, on 17th September 2022, all GCA Fellows met online or in person in Beijing when GCA’s President, Professor Xiangqun Chang, visited China for the first time after COVID-19.
In 2024, the 9th Global China Dialogue Forum (GCD9) was planned to be held at Tongji University in Shanghai, marking the first time the event took place in China. All the GCA Fellows, Associate Fellows, and Representative Fellows in China responded positively and took on various roles at GCD9. They are listed below (in alphabetical order):
GCA Fellows:
- BING Zheng – Closing remarks
- Xiangqun Chang – Opening address and introduction at the GCA Fellows Awarding Ceremony
- GU Yueguo – Plenary speaker at Panel 4
- HAO Shiyuan – Presented Fellowship awards to the newly elected GCA Fellows, Associate Fellows, and Institutional Fellows based in China, including Hong Kong
- LI Linxue – Chaired the Opening session and plenary speaker at Panel 3
- Tony McEnery – Sourced relevant speakers and delivered the keynote speech (online)
- XIE Lizhong – Presented Fellowship awards to the newly elected GCA Fellows, Associate Fellows, and Institutional Fellows based overseas
- ZHANG Xiaodong – Plenary speaker at Panel 1
- ZHU Guanglei – Delivered a special speech at the Dinner session
GCA Associate Fellows:
- Gavin Brookes – Plenary speaker at Panel 4
- QIAN Yufang – Chaired Panel 4 and attended as a representative to receive the certificate for the GCA Institutional Fellowship
- WANG Xin – Co-organized GCD9 at Tongji University and chaired the Closing session
Institutional Fellows:
- College of Arts and Media at Tongji University (China) – Co-organizer
- Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science at Lancaster University (UK) – Co-organizer
- Global Century Press (UK) – Designed and produced all publicities
- Institute of Linguistics at Sun Yat-sen University (China) – Contributed a small donation
All Fellows, Associate Fellows, and representatives of Institutional Fellows were invited on stage during the Fellowship awarding ceremony at the Closing Session to witness the conferring of honours on the 2024 Fellows.
This page serves to highlight the invaluable contributions of the Global China Academy (GCA) Fellows, Associate Fellows, and Institutional Fellows to the success of the 9th Global China Dialogue Forum (GCD9). It recognizes the active participation of these individuals in various capacities, ranging from keynote speakers to session chairs, and acknowledges their dedication to advancing the GCA’s mission. The diversity of roles and the global representation of the Fellows demonstrate the broad and inclusive nature of GCA’s academic and professional community.
Furthermore, this page illustrates the collaborative spirit between GCA, academic institutions, and organizations from both China and the UK, showcasing the strength of partnerships that transcend borders. By sharing these highlights, the page not only reflects the achievements of the 9th Global China Dialogue but also reinforces the ongoing commitment of GCA members to fostering international dialogue, intellectual exchange, and cross-cultural understanding.
- Click here to visit the New Fellowships awarded in 2024
- Click here to visit the New Fellowships awarded in 2023
- Perceptions of Academician and Fellowship Systems in China and the International Context and their Chinese Translations.
- Click here to return to the Fellowship home page