With the enhancement of interdisciplinary awareness, linguistic methods, such as corpus based discourse studies, have been applied to sociology, ethnography, cultural studies, psychology, cognitive science and computer science, etc. In the past decade Chinese social scientists are seeking for new methods in analyzing large quantity of texts in addition to quantitative and qualitative analysis. For example, the Contemporary China Social Life Data and Research Centre (CCSLC), Fudan University of China has collected unique set of data on contemporary Chinese social life since 1949, consists of more than 300,000 personal correspondences, over 1,000 books of personal notes, diaries, huge information of the history of personal life, as well as large amount of interview notes, and monographs. The Brill Company has signed a contract with Fudan University Publishing House for publication of 30 volumes of them. This precious material is inevitably adopted as a default resource for the research which language matters. it will undoubtedly be very helpful for understanding the construction of contemporary China’s social order and deep structure of ordinary people’s relationships. Inspirited by the ESRC Centre of Corpus Approaches to Social Science (CASS) at Lancaster University, CCPN Global engages the CASS, Centre for Applied Linguistics (CAL) of UCL, the Contemporary China Social Life Data and Research Centre (CCSLC) of Fudan University and the RCDC (the Research Centre for Discourse and Communication, Zhejiang University of Media and Communication), together developing the programme of the CACSS. This workshop will introduce related work and engage further discussions with people who are interested in this initiative.
Date: Saturday, 9:00-16:30 3rd December 2016
Venue: S-2.23, the Strand Building, King’s College London.
Theme: Corpus Approach to Chinese Social Science (CACSS) workshop
- CCPN Global (China in Comparative Perspective Network Global, Charity No.: 1154640; an affiliate member of the Academy of Social Sciences)
- Lau China Institute, Kings College London.
- ESRC Centre of Corpus Approaches to Social Science (CASS) at Lancaster University, UK
- Contemporary China Social Life Data and Research Center (CCSLC) of Fudan University, China
- Research Centre for Discourse and Communication (RCDC), Zhejiang University of Media and Communication, China
- Professor Kerry Brown, Director of Lau China Institute, King’s College London
- Professor Yufang Qian, Director of Research Centre for Discourse and Communications, Zhejiang University of Media and Communications, China
Keynote speakers:
- Professor Tony McEnery, Director of ESRC Centre for CASS, Lancaster University; ESRC Research Director, UK
- Professor Yueguo Gu, Director, China Multilingual & Multimodal Corpora & Big Data Research Centre, CASS and BFSU, China
Other speakers (in alphabetical order):
- Dr Qing Cao, Senior Lecturer in Chinese, Director of Studies in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, Durham University, UK
- Professor Xiangqun Chang, Director of CCPN Global; Honorary Professor of UCL, UK
- Professor Jiaojiang Luo, Dean of Institute of Social Development, Wuhan University, China; General Secretory of CCPN Global
- Professor Yufang Qian, Director of Research Centre for Discourse and Communications, Zhejiang University of Media and Communications, China
- Dr. Mike Scott, Aston University; Founder of the Lexical Analysis Software, UK
- Professor Letian Zhang, Director of the Centre for CCSLC and Centre for Social and Cultural Anthropology, Fudan University, China; and Co-Director of the CCPN Global
- This workshop is an extension of the Panel 4 Corpus-based discourse studies on climate change, and in conjunction with the 3rd Global China Dialogue: Sustainability and Global Governance for Climate Change (GCD III)
- It is also an open academic event, for both participants of the GCD III and others who are interested in this topic.
- This is a free event, but registration is requested. Click HERE for registration
- The presentations and discussions will be published as proceedings in Corpus Approaches to Chinese Social Sciences series
Website: see updated info at http://www.dialogue.global-china.org/post-dialogue-workshop-chinese-social-science-gcd-highlight
Related info
1. Global China Dialogue Website (English-Chinese) http://www.dialogue.global-china.org
2. Global China Dialogue III Webpage
- English-Chinese http://www.dialogue.global-china.org/3rd-global-china-dialogue-sustainability-global-governance-climate-change
- English http://www.dialogue.global-china.org/3rd-global-china-dialogue-sustainability-global-governance-climate-change-en
- Chinese http://www.dialogue.global-china.org/3rd-global-china-dialogue-sustainability-global-governance-climate-change-cn
3. Post-Global China Dialogue IV event Webpage
- English-Chinese http://www.dialogue.global-china.org/post-gcd3-workshop-corpus-approaches-chinese-social-science
- English http://www.dialogue.global-china.org/post-gcd3-workshop-corpus-approaches-chinese-social-science-en
- Chinese http://www.dialogue.global-china.org/post-gcd3-workshop-corpus-approaches-chinese-social-science-cn
Contact: events@ccpn-global.org
Click HERE to the Chinese page