GCA People

Professor Charles Sampford FGCA
Life Fellow of Global China Academy
Professor Charles Sampford 查尔斯·桑普福德教授 BA, LLB (Melbourne), DPhil (Oxon) FGCA is Foundation Dean of Law, Research Professor in Ethics and Director of the Institute for Ethics, Governance and Law, Griffith University, Australia, a strategic research centre established on the initiative with the UN University that includes ANU, Strathmore, OP Jindal Global University and the Center for Asian Integrity.
He has written over 170 articles and chapters and has completed thirty two books and edited collections with OUP, Routledge and Federation Press. He has also won nearly twenty five million dollars in grants, consultancies and awards for research work he has led, notably on corruption and integrity systems. This includes bidding for leading the only ARC (Australian Research Council) Centre and only ARC Network in law or governance. He was also a Board Member of the World Bank led Global Integrity Alliance.
His work on climate change goes back to a keynote at the World Council of Churches colloquium on carbon trading in 2000 and has continued with his arguments that we need to re-imagine ‘the good life’ in sustainable terms and back it up with institutional mechanisms (including a ‘carbon added tax’) to support the process and the low carbon industries that will support it.
Professor Sampford’s work on corporate governance has always highlighted the variety of disciplines that can contribute (law, ethics, politics and economics). He was worked extensively in governance reform in the UK, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and the Pacific. In Africa, he has collaborated with the Global Integrity Alliance headed by the World Bank and with the African Union on Protection of Civilians.
Professor Sampford is also a barrister, a Board Member of the Accountability Round Table and the MacArthur Museum, a Civil Society Member of the Open Government Partnership and the Victorian Parliamentary Integrity AdviserProgram Leader of the Law Futures Centre and Foundation Dean and Professor of Law, both at Griffith Law School, Nathan, Australia.
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