GCA People

Professor Kwang-Kuo Hwang FGCA
Life Fellow of Global China Academy
Educated in Hawaii and Taiwan, Kwang-Kuo Hwang 黄光国教授 FGCA is Emeritus Professor at National Taiwan University, Department of Psychology, with research interests in the philosophy of science and methodology/indigenized personality and social psychology. He teaches The Construction of Indigenous Theories in Social Sciences and Independent Research in Social Psychology courses. Among other posts, he has been a specially invited researcher in the Republic of China National Science Council (1990–2000), President of the Asian Association of Social Psychology (2003–2005) and Principal Investigator in the In Search of Excellence for Indigenous Psychological Research Project, Ministry of Education, Taiwan (2000–2008), as well as being lecturer and then associate professor in the Department of Psychology, University of Taiwan (1976–1981).
He has received numerous awards for research and scholarship, and has published widely in journals such as the Journal of Social Psychology, Asian Journal of Social Psychology, Contemporary Sociology, and books including Confucian Relationalism: Philosophical Reflection, Theoretical Construction and Empirical Research. (2nd edition) (in Chinese). Taipei, Taiwan: Psychological Publishing Co., 2014.
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