1st Global China Dialogure Report: Shanghai Meeting
A Symposium on China-British Cultural Exchange: Strategic Cooperation and Practical Implementation
As 2015 is a year of China-British cultural exchange, numerous cultural activities are in the planning stages, and a few have already begun to be executed. The symposium of ‘China-British Cultural Exchange: Strategic Cooperation and Practical Implementation’ was held in Shanghai in 2014.
Date: Sunday, December 6, 2014
Time: 2:30–5:30pm
Address: Conference Room of the Grand Skylight Hotel, 100 Baise Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai
- CCPN Global (UK)
- The Young Entrepreneur Society (YES Global)
- Research Center for Socio-cultural Anthropology, Fudan University
- Research Center for Discourse and Communications, Zhejiang University of Media and Communications
Hosting organizer: Shanghai Juechen Cultural Communications Co., Ltd. (SENSO: plans and organizes Chinese-foreign cultural exchange activities, provides services for cultural promotion and cultural exchange outreach)
Sponsoring institution: Shanghai Quan Feng Investment Co., Ltd.
Organizer: Ms ZHAO Meng (SENSO)
Chair: Professor ZHANG Letian (Fudan University)
Speaker: Dr Xiangqun Chang (CCPN Global; SOAS)
- Can China’s model of “Culture builds the stage; commerce performs the show” be successfully promoted abroad?
- What is the relationship between “culture building the stage” and “commerce performing the show”?
- Why do some perspectives view “Culture builds the stage; commerce performs in the show” not as true cultural exchange but as a display of economics hijacking culture?
- What is the significance of the experience and lessons of China’s recent modernization for the modernization processes of countries all over the world?
- How does the Chinese experience aid in the study of Europe?
- How should strategic cooperation for China-British cultural exchange be planned?
- Examples of practical implementation of China-British cultural exchange
14:30—14:45 Registration, networking
14:45—14:50 Chair delivers address and introduces special guests
14:50—15:10 Speaker gives introduction to China-British cultural exchange and Chinese academic globalization
15:10—17:00 Conference participants have 3 minutes each to share their perspectives on different topics
17:00—17:20 Q & A
17:20—17:30 Wrap-up
Professor ZHANG Letian (above left) chaired the preparatory meeting in Shanghai. He is Former Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Social Development and Public Policy and Director of the Center for Social and Cultural Anthropology at Fudan University. He is also Co-Director of CCPN Global. Professor Zhang began by introducing his own three broad areas of work: research on the people’s commune system, introduction of social work courses and establishment of a social life data and research center. He thinks that these can all be useful for comparative research. Afterwards,
Dr Xiangqun Chang (above right), CCPN Director and Research Associate of the SOAS China Institute (SCI) at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, UK, spoke on the main theme of the meeting. She explained the difference between Chinese comparative studies and China studies, why it is necessary to place China studies within a global framework, and how to incorporate research on Chinese society into universal knowledge about humankind. She discussed how scholarly work can be accompanied by a transformation of interdisciplinary knowledge into knowledge that crosses professional and field-related boundaries, to not only serve the academic community, but also participate in shaping a global society.
Over 20 academics, experts, professionals and practitioners from Shanghai and Hangzhou participated in this meeting. Speaker-participants were divided into the following 3 groups.
Mr SHI Qiangsheng (first from left), senior economist, Deputy Director of the China Association for Promoting Democracy (CAPD), Association of Shanghai Population Resources and Environment Committee, also the Shanghai preparatory meeting’s main facilitator, summarized in his speech the five major characteristics of China-British cultural exchange and their significance. He emphasized the utility of Chinese comparative studies as a tool to give prominence to Chinese elements in the dissemination of scholarly knowledge outside of the academy.
Dr QIAN Zhenhua (second from left) is Board Chairman of Shanghai Quan Feng Investment Co., Ltd., main sponsor of the Shanghai preparatory meeting. He spoke about how his experience in business culture allowed him to witness the selfishness and disregard for rules and regulations that people display while conducting business or other activities. He initially viewed these methods as a legacy of the Cultural Revolution, but later discovered that they were present during the Republican Era, the Qing Dynasty, and the Warring States Period. This leads to a big question for reflection on Chinese culture and civilization: precisely what are its ‘cultural genes’? Although he diligently attended the lectures of many preeminent scholars while studying at Peking University, he never came across a satisfactory answer to this question.
Mr DING Zhengwei (second from right) is an art critic who believes that the process of cultural exchange is not a struggle for the right to speak, nor is it about influencing or changing others. Rather, it is a gentle and gradual process of osmosis. By asking the way and seeking the rites of the wild, one reaches a state of goodness as pure as water, the realm of unity between man and nature.
Mr CAO Yuanyong (first from right), Deputy Chief Editor, Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House, raised the point that stories must be used to explain concepts, just as Mo Yan’s works typically narrate stories from people at the low levels of society to show how they reflect on problems. There is also the question of how to speak of culture in terms of civilization. While engaging in exchange with other civilizations, we must find adequate ways to speak about such concepts as the holistic notion of a unified ‘tianxia’ (heaven and world) or the Confucian ‘golden mean’.
Professor GUO Yi (first from left), Director of the Organization and Strategy Research Center at the School of Business of East China University of Science and Technology and Vice-President of the Professional Committee China Social Network Association, also raised a question about the exportation of Chinese concepts. If in the process of teaching and supervising research we come across notions like yin-yang or guanxi, how can we build an integrated approach to research from the mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, to analyze Chinese concepts?
Professor QIAN Yufang (second from left), Director of the Research Center for Discourse and Communications at Zhejiang University of Media and Communications and Executive Manager of the Chinese Discourse Analysis Research Association, is an expert on corpus. She proposed construction of a social science data bank and critical analysis of discourse as means to aid in the export of Chinese corpus and the construction of Chinese discourse.
Professor WANG Gancheng (second from right) is Director of the Laozi Academy at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He studied Western philosophy for seven years at university, then shifted to research Chinese traditional culture, from there excavating the thought of Laozi. He believes the essence of Laozi lies in these few phrases: “It (the Dao) produces (all things) and does not claim them as its own; it does all, and yet does not boast of it; it presides over all, and yet does not control them.” This, he believes, has a one-to-one correspondence with Abraham Lincoln’s “of the people, for the people, by the people.” He later founded the Laozi Academy to provide entrepreneurs with training in traditional culture.
Ms Xiaojing Sun (first from right) is President of the Russel & Ivy Development Association, CEO of Russel & Ivy Corporate Brand Management Co., Ltd. She explained how during her time studying at Bristol University in England she participated in the work of CCPN Global. When she returned to China to set up her association and business, she also actively involved herself in public charity work, developing programs to assist impoverished children attend school.
Professor LU Feiyun (first from left) is Deputy Director of the College of Humanities Department of Economic Sociology, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. She participated in the Project on Social Support funded by the British Economic and Social Research Council in the 1990s when Xiangqun Chang also worked there. She believes that in order to explain China to the world, one must conduct a decomposition of culture, dividing it into the culture of daily life, the cultural consciousness described by Fei Xiaotong, creative cultural industry, the spoken language of Chinese culture, and so on. Fei Xiaotong’s concept of “appreciating the cultural values of others to make the world become a harmonious whole” is helpful for thinking about cultural exchange.
Professor ZHU Lianqing (second from left), Director and Research Fellow of the Business Research Center of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS), recently returned from the UK. He explained that when we look toward the outside, we must look at things in depth, such as how the British engage in business operations with a calm demeanor and rational conduct. In the end, everyone has a role to play, and the society is stable there. We must inquire into these background forces here: the spirit and genes of people.
Professor YIN Xiaorong (center), Deputy Director of the Information and Communication Research Center of the School of Journalism at Fudan University, who translated the history of dissemination studies and examines dissemination issues from the perspective of global social change. It will be very difficult for Chinese news media to ‘go abroad’, despite the state’s investment. There is also the Internet, new media, ‘citizen journalism’, etc. It is very important to research how to use different media outlets, such as ethnic minority media outlets.
Mr WANG Yelong (second from right), Associate Professor of Editorship of Peking University Press and General Manager of Shanghai Shengda Yanyuan Cultural Promotion Company, noted that cultural exchange is a bi-directional process; however, our situation in reality is one of inequality. Many students go abroad to study; we introduce many copyrights from outside but export few. 2015 is the 100th anniversary of the New Culture Movement. He is currently putting together a book on China-British cultural exchange, and hopes it will be able to travel abroad.
Dr LI Zhangang (first from right), Associate Research Fellow of the Center for Studies of Sociological Theory and Method at Renmin University of China and Vice Secretary-General of the Zheng Hangsheng Social Development Foundation, spoke on two topics. First, he explained how the Zheng Hangsheng Social Development Foundation provides young scholars with support and construction of a ‘base of compassion’. Second, he introduced Professor Zheng Hangsheng’s method and theory for researching Chinese experience, which, just as one must consider the two dimensions of time and locality in a long wave process, emphasizes the sequence of ideas from tradition to modernity to fully understand globalization.
Before the meeting, the leaflets of CCPN Global and Global Century Press were given to the participants. This gentleman (second from left in the photo on the upper left) was reading the material. He works at a company for marketing planning. He represents Professor ZHAO Ronghui, Dr YU Hua, and Dr SHEN Qi of the Language Research Institute at Shanghai University for International Studies. Due to time conflicts, they were unable to attend the meeting. In the upper right photo are CCPN Global’s two directors (front row from left to right) and Dr Jane Zhang (middle of back row). She is CCPN Global’s chief representative in China, CEO and Senior Consultant of IBC-Joint Group (Research-Consulting-Exchange). After the meeting, participants engaged in lively conversation. The bottom photo shows Xiangqun Chang with Ms ZHAO Meng (left) of SENSO Corporation Limited, the organizer of the Shanghai preparatory meeting.
Above are the Shanghai preparatory meeting’s main organizers and coordinators.

Some of the guests and participants took a group photo to mark the occasion, before the dinner meeting.
Note: The content above has been arranged based on photos and recordings provided by SENSO.
Translated by Cheryl M Schmitz
- 全球中国比较研究会(英国)
- 全球青年企业家协会(英国)
- 复旦大学社会文化人类学研究中心
- 浙江传媒学院话语与传播研究中心
- 中国的“文化搭台,经贸唱戏”模式是否能在海外推广成功?
- “文化搭台,经贸唱戏”之间的关系如何?
- 为什么有观点认为“文化搭台,经贸唱戏”不是真正的文化交流,而是经济绑架文化的表演?
- 中国近代开始的现代化进程中的经验教训对世界各国现代化进程的意义如何?
- 中国经验如何帮助研究欧洲?
- 如何策划中英文化交流战略合作?
- 中英文化交流实际操作例举
14:30—14:45 签到、自由交流
14:45—14:50 主持人致辞介绍嘉宾
14:50—15:10 主讲人介绍中英文化交流及中国学术全球话等背景和具体问题
15:10—17:00 与会者每人3分钟对不同论题发表自己的看法
17:00—17:20 互动环节
17:20—17:30 小结
复旦大学社会发展与公共政策学院前副院长、复旦大学社会文化人类学研究中心主任、全球中国比较研究会共同会长张乐天教授(左)主持了这次上海预备会。他首先介绍了自己的三大研究领域:人民公社制度研究,引进社会工作课程,创办社会生活资料中心,认为这些都可以用来作比较研究。之后,全球中国比较研究会(英国) 会长、伦敦大学亚非学院中国研究中心研究员常向群博士作了主题发言,主要介绍中国比较与中国研究的区别,为什么把中国研究放在全球框架中来做,怎样把对中国社会研究的成果加入到人类的知识大厦,在做学问的同时如何从跨学科到跨行跨界的知识转化,不但服务学术社区,而且要参与型塑全球社会。
民进上海市人口资源环境委员会副主任、高级经济师施薔生先生(左一),也是这次上海预备会议的主要协调人,他在发言中概括了中英文化交流的五大特点及其意义,强调利用中国比较研究这一抓手,在学术外宣的凸现中国元素。上海全丰投资有限公司是这次上海预备会的主要赞助者,其董事长錢振华博士(左二)讲道,从商业文化的体验中,感受到人们在做生意或其他事情上所表现出来的自私、不守规矩等的做法,开始以为是文革遗毒,后来发现在民国、清朝、战国时期都有,因此作为中国文化和中华文明中的大问题来反思,其文化基因到底是什么?虽然他在北大读书期间聆听了许多大师的讲座,但是,对这个问题没有令人满意的解答。丁正伟先生(右二)是一位艺术评论家,他认为文化交流的过程不是抢话语权,影响或改变别人,而是要柔和地慢慢地渗透,通过问道求野的礼,达到上善若水、天人合一的境界。上海文艺出版社 副总编曹元勇先生(右一),提出要用故事来讲概念,如莫言的作品的特点是讲述底层人的故事以及他们如何思考问题的。还有如何把文化用文明讲,天下一体的全息概念、中庸思想,在与其它文明的交流中应该探讨合适的讲法。
上海财经大学人文学院经济社会学系副主任陆绯云教授(左一)早在上个世纪90年代就参与了英国社会经济研究委员会资助的关于社会支持的项目,与常向群同是项目组成员。她认为如何向世界说明中国要对文化作分解:日常生活中的文化、费孝通提出的文化自觉、文化创意产业、中华文化话语等等。费孝通的“美美与共天下大同”的观念有助于文化交流。上海社会科学院商业研究中心主任朱连庆研究员(左二)最近刚从英国回来,他介绍说,我们把眼睛向外看的时候,要看深层的东西,如英国人在商业运营时平心静气、理智行事,最后大家各得其所,社会也稳定,要探讨这后面的民族精神和民族基因。复旦大学新闻学院信息与传播研究中心副主任殷晓蓉教授(中),曾经翻译过传播学史,从全球的社会变迁进程看传播问题,中国新闻走出去很难,国家有投入,还有互联网、新媒体、自媒体等等,研究如何使用不同的媒介,如少数民族的媒介,很重要。北京大学出版社副编审、上海圣大燕园文化传播公司总经理王业龙先生(右二), 认为文化交流是双向的,但是我们实际情况是很不平衡的,出国留学的多,引进的版权多,输出的少。新文化运动100年了,正在编中英文化交流的书,希望能够走出去。最后,中国人民大学社会学理论与方法研究中心副研究员、郑杭生社会发展基金会副秘书长李战刚博士(右一),主要谈了两个问题,一是介绍郑杭生基金会对青年学人的赞助和“爱心基地”的建设,二是介绍郑杭生教授关于中国经验研究的方法与理论,如长波进程的时间和本土的两个维度,通过传统到现代的脉络来把握把全球化进程,等等。
会前,部分与会者翻阅全球中国比较研究会和环球世纪出版社彩单,左上图左二这位先生是做营销策划的,他代表上海外国语大学语言研究院的赵蓉晖教授、余华博士和沈骑博士参会,他们因会议时间冲突未能与会。右上图为全球中国比较研究会的两位会长(前排左右)及其中国首席代表、艾语·希捷集团 (研究|咨询|交流) 执行董事、高级顾问章简博士(后排中间)。会后,与会者们亲切交谈,下图为常向群与本次预备会议的组织者、上海觉尘文化传播有限公司策划人赵梦女士(左)合影。