Report: The 2nd Global China Dialogue (GCD II)
Launch of dual-language journal and two book series during the Opening Session of GCD II
Profesor Hugo de Burgh (chair): Ingrid Cranfield, who is a former deputy mayor of the London Borough of Enfield, and member of the Global China Institute governing board, would like to say a few words.
Mrs Ingrid Cranfield: Some of the supporting organizers and honorary guests are unable to join us but have sent their greetings to this event and launching of dual-language journal and two book series. Professor YU Shuo from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and myself wish to read out to you in English and Chinese in turns.
The first one is from the British Council. ‘The British Council sends its very best wishes and congratulations to Professor Chang, colleagues at Global China Institute and all speakers and attendees at the 2nd Global China Dialogue. As an organization founded to create ‘friendly knowledge and understanding” between the people of the UK and the wider world, we welcome initiatives that promote the friendly exchange of ideas, cultures and research. Through people-to-people dialogue, policy research and the exchange of best practice, we bring the UK and China together in advancing education at all levels, with mutually beneficial outcomes for both countries. Enabling “innovation” is an increasingly important policy objective – in economic and research terms – for governments in the UK and in China. As such, the work of Global China Institute in publishing English and Chinese dual-language academic journals and books outside China deepens and broadens our innovative research community. We will continue to work with individuals, institutes and institutions across disciplines and across borders, alongside esteemed colleagues such as those at the conference, to broaden horizons and build futures. Warm wishes for a great conference.’
The second greeting message comes from Emeritus Professor Stephan Feuchtwang from the Department of Anthropology of LSE in the UK. He is the founder and director of the China in Comparative Perspective Network, and honorary editor of the Journal of China in Comparative Perspective, and he says: ‘I can’t be at this launch personally, but hope you will accept instead my congratulations to Xiangqun and all her co-workers in preparing and now publishing the new Journal of China in Comparative Perspective, which builds on my initiative at the LSE where I designed the still thriving Master’s degree on China in Comparative Perspective. The journal and the two book series are an amazing accomplishment, an entirely independent endeavour, and I hope that, given a secure base, they too will thrive.’
We have another message from Professor Zhang Letian, from the Research Centre for Social and Cultural Anthropology at Fudan University in China, and Co-director of Global China Institute, and he writes: ‘Warm congratulations on organizing the 2nd Global China Dialogue: Transculturality and Global Governance in London! I would like to offer my hearty thanks to all whose hard work has contributed to the success of this conference. Your efforts will doubtless elevate global China dialogue to new heights!’
Further messages and letters will not be read out, for lack of time, but will be included in our proceedings. Thank you.
[Chinese greetings omitted here. They were read by Professor Shuo Yu, which will be published in Chinese version of the proceedings. Further messages and letters are produced here]Ms Zoe Reed, Chair of the Society for Anglo Chinese Understanding (SACU), UK: ‘Congratulations on the organization of the second Global China Dialogue: Transculturality and Global Governance. SACU’s mission is to promote friendship and mutual understanding between the people of Britain and China – which we have been doing for the last 50 years. We are sure your Dialogue will have contributed to this mission and are sorry we were unable to be represented. Best wishes for the future success, and we hope to join you next time.’
Professor Li Peilin, Academician and Deputy Director of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Chief Editor, Journal of Sociological Studies:
‘Congratulations on the founding of the Journal of China in Comparative Perspective. It is hoped that this new journal will be a window and platform for the exchange of academic views, thoughts and culture.’
Professor Dr HUANG Ping, Director General, Institute of European Studies, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Vice-President, Chinese Association of World Politics Studies: ‘On behalf of the Institute of European Studies, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Chinese Association of World Politics Studies, I would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to the conference and all the participants. I’d like also to thank GCI, BSA, the Cultural Office of the Chinese Embassy in the UK, BC and all the other institutions that are involved in the organizing and preparing of this conference, and thank all the colleagues there. Both the 2015 UK–China Cultural Exchange and this conference happen in the year as the Sino–British golden age begins. The theme of this conference is an important global topic that China, the UK and Europe all feel very much concerned with and have been engaged in. The participants of this conference from China, UK and other parts of Europe have all devoted years of studies and deliberations to this area. Many of the Chinese or foreign scholars here have been long-time friends or colleagues of mine or of my home institution. I’d like to express thanks and congratulations in advance for taking the time to come to this conference and wish you all the best on the excellent presentations you are going to give, from which I hope to benefit a lot. My home institute and association have long been committed to involvement in the profound exchanges and cooperative studies in academic and cultural realms between China and Europe. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you also for the support everyone here has given us in the past and it is my hope that we will continue to cooperate in the future. Congratulations again. I wish the conference much success!’
XIE Lizhong, Professor, Department of Sociology, Peking University, Chief Editor, Journal of Social Theory: ‘Warm congratulations on the founding of the Journal of China in Comparative Perspective! Both the themes of the internationalization of Chinese social sciences and the construction of transculturality are great and important causes. I am confident that the new journal and the efforts of the colleagues who will be working on it will make excellent contributions to these causes.’, Executive Deputy Director, Research Centre for Studies of Sociological Theory and Methods, Renmin University of China, Chief Editor, Journal of Sociological Review: ‘On the event of the successful holding of the
2015 UK–China Cultural Exchange and the 2nd Global China Dialogue: Transculturality and Global Governance, I would like, on behalf of the Research Centre for Studies of Sociological Theory and Methods, Renmin University of China, and on behalf of the Journal of Sociological Review, to convey my warmest congratulations to all UK and Chinese delegates! This conference is taking place at a time when there are new developments in the exchanges between China and the UK, a time of a new order of global governance. This conference will have a key impact and is an important scholarly conference on the topics of global social culture progress, coordinated economic and social development and the maintenance of proper order in world society. The Research Centre for Studies of Sociological Theory and Methods, Renmin University of China, and the Journal of Sociological Review fully support the main topics of this conference. We will commit ourselves to further promoting cultural and academic exchange, forging closer friendship between China, the UK and the world. We are confident of this conference’s success.’
Click here to view the journals of Global Century Press
Click here to view the book series of Global Century Press
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戴雨果教授: 下面请全球中国比较研究会理事会理事、前恩费尔德市副市长英格丽·克兰菲尔德女士讲话。
英格丽·克兰菲尔德 (Ingrid Cranfield):虽然一些支持单位和嘉宾未能与会,但是他们发来了对本次活动和对双语期刊创刊及两套书系新书发布的贺词。
[以下是相关贺词与贺信]瑞德 (Zoe Reed) 女士,英中了解协会(SACU)主席:“祝贺举办第二届全球中国对话—转文化与新型全球治理。英中了解协会的使命是促进英国和中国人民之间的友谊和相互了解 – 我们已经为此工作了50年。我们
李培林研究员,中国社会科学院副院长、学部委员、《社会学研究》主编: 祝贺《中国比较研究》创刊,希望它成为学术、思想和文化交流交融的窗口与平台。
黄平研究员,中国社科院欧洲研究所所长、台港澳研究中心主任中华美国学会会长、全国港澳研究会副会长中国国际关系学会副会长、中国世界政治研究会副会长: 值此“2015中英文化交流年暨第二届全球中国对话:转文化与新型全球治理”在伦敦召开之际,我谨代表中国社科院欧洲研究所和中国世界政治研究会向大会及英中与会者表示衷心祝贺,并感谢全球中国比较研究会、英国社会学会以及中国使馆文化处、英国文化委员会等所有参与组织和筹备这次会议的机构与同事们表示感谢!无论是中英文化年,还是本次会议,都是在今年这个中英黄金时代开启的时候举办的。本次会议的主题也是目前中国、英国、欧洲都既非常关心又一直参与的全球性重要议题。本次会议的中英/欧与会者都在这个领域有过多年的研究和思考,其中许多中外学者也是我所和我本人多年的朋友或同事,我为大家的拨冗出席和精彩演讲预先感谢和祝贺,更期望从中受益!我所和我会多年来一直致力于中欧之间在学术喝文化层面的深度交流与合作研究,在此也表达我们对各位在过去所给予的支持的感谢,更希望今后继续合作!再次祝贺,成果满满!
谢立中教授,北京大学社会学系系主任、《社会理论学报》主编: 热烈祝贺《中国比较研究》杂志正式发刊!无论是中国社会科学的国际化,还是转文化的建构,都是伟大而又艰巨的事业。相信《中国比较研究》的同仁们将会通过自己的努力,在这两个方面做出卓越的贡献!
刘少杰教授, 中国人民大学社会学理论与方法研究常务副主任中心主任, 《社会学评论》主编, 中国人民大学社会学系教授: 在“2015中英文化交流年暨第二届全球中国对话:转文化与新型全球治理”会议成功召开之际,我代表中国人民大学社会学理论与方法研究中心和《社会学评论》杂志,向大会和与会英中代表致以衷心祝贺!本次会议是在中英文化交流有了新的发展,中英两国为促进全球治理新秩序而共同努力的新形势下召开的,会议对于推进全球社会的思想文化进步、经济与社会协调发展、维护国际社会秩序稳定等方面都有重大现实意义和重要学术价值。中国人民大学社会学理论与方法研究中心和《社会学评论》杂志,十分赞成本次会议主题,在今后的岁月里,我们将为促进中英文化与学术交流、增进中英之间乃至世界各国之间的友谊而积极努力。我们相信,本次会一定能够圆满成功!